Saturday, April 27, 2002


Mom and Dad went to see Lord of the Rings last night: it started at 9:45! I can't beleive that Dad actually wanted to stay up that late! He didn't really like it that much: he said the evil was just SOO evil and the good seemed kinda weak. I can see what he means: in FOTR you don't see the might of Gondor or Rohan and in the movie they cut out the fact that both Rivendell and Lorien were really strong. Oh well.

BonnieJean called last night and I got to talk to her some. She said my request to perform at the trainng center there is being considered in Mongolia! It seems the director of the training center is there right now! LOL!

Thursday, April 25, 2002 seems like forever since I've posted here! Could it really be just a day? You know, the more I think about it, the more certain I become that somebody is messing with a time warp machine somewhere.

I mowed once again today. It was pretty cool, so I enjoyed it. Isaac spent most of the time sitting on my lap and had a blast! I got kinda silly, yelling at the top of my lungs about what we where doing. "And a sharp turn to the left! Wow, but here comes the wall! Quick, left turn! Now strait, and then a 180 and we're goin' the other way! Between the hedge and the bricks! And another turn to the left! Now STOP! And back up! Yes, get those wheels strait, now forward!" All yelled, most of the time we mowed. It was fun! Then after I had finished I gave some of the kids rides. Naomi and Joshua both got to steer, but I kept my foot on the brake and controled the speed as well. Joshua was so excited when he got off he could hardly hold still!


I spent most of this morning working in the yard. I moved some dirt, tore down some stuff Mom wanted out of the way and got things ready for the compost this summer. Then I came in and did math while watching Caleb and Star Wars Ep. 1. Think it's impossible? Ha, I got a 98! I went ahead and did two lessons today (practice set, practice set, problem set) 'cause the first lesson was actually just review of some stuff I'd learned last year. Actually both lessons were pretty easy.

Ethan posed an interesting question today: when Fatty saw the gate open at Crickhollow, and yet didn't see anybody opening it, was it just too dark to see the Nazgul in his black cloak, or had he left his body behind somewhere? I would say the first is the most likely. For one thing, he had no real reason to take off his body. And secondly, if I remember correctly, they beat the door down and searched the house, so I kinda think they would need their bodies for that. I heard another interesting one today: could the "new" trolls (I can't remember what their called, but their the ones who could withstand sunlight) actually be corrupted Entwives? Obviously there is no final answer to this, and I'm not really sure which one I think is correct, but it is completely possible that it could have happened. Morgoth did it with the elves and made the orcs.

Dad has started talking about driving to Knoxville with BonnieJean, Anna, Ethan and I this year. I'm really hoping he decides to, 'cause I've never had a chance to go and also Brian is only about 45 minutes from Knoxville! Yea! So I would get to go to the conferance (which I've wanted to do for a long time) and get to meet Brian at the same time! (For those of you who don't know what I'm talking, ATI has an annual home school conferance in Knoxville. Brian is a friend of mine from The RI. He's the creator of the RI actually.)

I've got to go now. God bless y'all!

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Ok, maybe now I can think of some stuff to write for my blogger. Mom is no longer talking behind my, so I should be able to actually pay attention to what I'm doing!

Some friends of mine are going to be performing at the Tulsa Zoo on Friday evening and I was hoping that Ethan and Mom and I could go watch them, but I just called the zoo today and found out it would cost 60 BUCKS for all three to go! Can you believe that? So, as you probably guessed, we will NOT be going to see them! Oh well, we'll probably meet up with them again sometime: their live only about 45 miles away.

Ethan and I have been working alot on our choreographed fencing routines lately. I'm having a blast with it! We've been working on a routine where I've got large staff (like Darth Maul) mostly. I like that sword alot, 'cause I've got twice the options for both defense and offense. I also worked some with Anna this morning, using the same weapons, but a differant routine. Anna is really good at making a right hack and then a left hack really quick! Am I boring you?

I just finished reading the Silmarillion again. One thing that really stood out to me was the voyage of Earendil. Just think about this: he is the morning star: Christ is the morning star. Is bore the cause of the problems in of Men and Elves (the Simril): Christ bore our sin. He was the intercesor for Men and Elves before the Gods: Christ is the intercesor for us before God. Cool, huh? I got to thinking too: wouldn't it have been weird to have been Elrond and look up in th sky, and see the morning star and think, man, that's my Dad! :) I also noticed that Elrond and his wife are actually some sort of cousins, a million times removed. Just thought that was interesting. Also, Feanor was Gil-Galads great uncle.

I got a math lesson done today! Or, part of one at least. I've still got one problem to do, but I have to wait until Dad is home to help me with it. After I finish this book I'm on now we're going to starting to do something other than Saxon, 'cause it's not really working for me.

I've got a show on Sunday for Ethan's Sunday school class. Then I might possibly do a show at the OKC training center when we go to pick BonnieJean up...that would be fun! Anyway, got to go now...God bless!

It's Wednesday. No, it's not Wednesday. It can't be Wednesday! I mean, this is crazy! Somebody has gotten ahold of a time warp machine and is messing up my week! AHHH!!!

Oh well....I guess I'll live.. and if not, who cares?

Let's see...I've got writters block....surely I have SOMETHING to write here....OH! IT'S ONLY 6 DAYS UNTIL I GET MY SISTER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, YES, YES!!!! It seems she's been gone FOREVER.

man...I honestly can think of anything to write....probably 'cause Mom is talking behind me and I'm half listening to her....maybe I'll blog more latter.

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

I think I'm going to scream! I just typed in this nice, long ramble and pushed the "post" button and it had an error and got rid of everything! So, I'll just post a shortened version here: Thunder (rambling about), math (update on) jack and stand (trading of), Beren and Luthilien (story: quality of). Hmm...ok, maybe that wasn't good enough! Let's try this:

We had a GREAT thunderstorm. It started about 3:30 with a CRR-ACK!! that sounded like it was right outside my window! It was soo cool! I love thunderstorm: I know some people think their scary but I say their one of the coolest things God made!

Well, I got almost nothing done yesterday. Ok, so I got nothing done at all yesterday! Since Mom had the car for the first time in a long time she spent most of the day running around town doing stuff, so I watched kids. Not that it was hard, it just took up most of my time!

Last night Dad and I took apart and put into his car the engine jack and stand that we bought for when we took the engine out of the van. He's going to be trading it in for some sort of "fuel injection" thing, which he is pretty excited about. I'm not excited about it, 'cause I don't want to have to work on the car! I hate working on cars!

I just finished re-reading the story of Beren and Luthilein (sp?) yesterday. Man, I love that story! I am not a liker of romance stories. In fact, I am a hater of romance stories! But something about this one is just....I don't know, so cool! I love the part where Beren says to Thingol (sp?) "Even now it is in my hand" and holds up his arm without the hand (yes, sounds gross, but if you know what was going on you'd think it cool too!) and I just LOVE Haun. And when Luthilien escapes from that tree house: THAT is the REAL story about the maiden who let her hair down! Anyway, your homework for this week: read the story of Beren and Luthilien!

Monday, April 22, 2002

And here I am. It's Monday morning and I'm sitting here on the computer, thinking about all the millions of things I have to do. First on my list is math. I have to get a math lesson today....I don't want to take a math lesson! I hate math! Another thing on my list is calling my friend David, 'cause I just learned yesterday from another friend that his wife finally had their baby! I'm SOO excited! And I'm mad at David too because he didn't tell me right away (I mean, I'm the center point in his life, right?).

We had company yesterday. They had four young boys who liked my juggling alot and I had a fun time talking to their parents. Then after they left everybody but Ethan and Caleb and I went to go see some friends from Washington and visited with them for three hours. I would like to have gone, but Caleb was napping and we didn't want to wake him. Oh well.

Our van is still giving us troulbe. Mom is driving Dad into work right now so we can have the car today. I hope they can get if fixed soon!

And that is pretty much all the news from the random ramble...bye, and God bless!