Saturday, October 15, 2005

I have nothing against spiders. In fact, I kinda like spiders. I'd much rather catch a spider and put it outside than kill it. Actually, right now I have several spiders staying in my room as guest because they help keep down the ants (dude, our ant problem is a whole diffirent post!) But when they get that big *points up* I'd rather they not live under my bed.

About an hour ago I was talking to my friend Jimmy on MSN when I looked over and saw this huge fellow running across the floor. I tried to catch him for some time, but he disappeared. I looked for a long time, but finally had to give up. Still, I wasn't happy about the thought of him being in the room. What if I stepped on him in the dark? What if he was on the bed and I rolled on top of him and he bit me? Not nice thoughts.

So I went running. When I came back I saw him again, under the bed. I tried catching him again, but it he simply didn't want to be caught. So finally I herded him out the open door. Whew! That is much better!
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lol...if you look close you can see that he's covered in lint from under the bed. Poor guy.

Ok, I promise the next time I update I'll tell you guys all about my bike/moped accident. For now I'll just tell you that nothing got hurt, except my ego.