Thursday, December 19, 2002

Hello, hello, and happy holidays! Can you beleive it's almost Christmas? No? Neither can I! But it's the 19th, already!

And, that means that the Two Towers came out yesterday. And I can't wait to see it! We will be going on Monday to see it with some friends, and then be having a party at our house. That should be a blast.

Yesterday a friend from Amarillo stopped by. She and her Dad were driving bak from DC. It was fun to get to see her: we hadn't seen her in five years! Her Dad sat on the couch and took a nap, while we talked for two hours. It was a blast!

BonnieJean is taking finals this week. She took two test yesterday and has two more on Saterday. She was really worried about them, but she thinks she did pretty well on the two yesterday. Y'all might want to pray for her though: she's still pretty stressed out.

Well, I've started working at a gymnastics assistant. I've done two classes so far. It's interesting: last night I helped teach floor and we did alot of back hand springs, which I didn't really know how to spot very I had to learn as I went. Several of the girls found themselfs spilled on the floor as a result, but at least there wasn't any blood! The skill range in the class I'm helping with is pretty wide. So I was spotting girls who had to be told to arch their back and other girls who were doing three back handsprings in a row! It's interesting.

Oh, and I am going to dedicate this post to Melissa, who, unlike other people, did not bother me about updating! Ok, ok, you guys were right. I really should have updated a long time ago. *hangs head in shame*

Oh, oh, cool news! Really cool news! Nathan Dorrel ( wants me to be in his new diabolo instrutional video! Yep! He wants me to do the Joshua and Caleb routine. I'm very excited about that! And y'all might want to pray for them too: Nathan's wife miscarried two days ago. :(

Let's see....what else is going on? My left pointer finger is hurting, 'cause it got hurt two weeks ago in stunt class...I was spotting a guy and he hit my hand really hard. Ouch. Yesterday I got the most awsome run of five clubs I've ever had: it went on forever! I can't juggle rings very well because I cut my right pointer finger, doing a double spin with a hatchet. Yes, that was really stupid, but I didn't think it was sharp enough to actually cut me. And I finally got that stump out of the garden that was driving me nuts.

And now, my dear fans, I will leave you. Mourn not overmuch!