Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I AM: A forigner. I know I should do the spiritual thing and write "a Christian" first, but seriously, that's how I'm viewed over here most of the time and it kinda gets to you after a while.
I WANT: To see my family! To speak Chinese like a native. To speak English like a native (I don't anymore)! To go see the students at 秀才. To buy a super archer coat. To see Jay, Larry, Josiah, Mr. Murry, Jason, Mrs. Murry, Alica, Mr. Garza, Brittany, Mr. Burrnett, Mark and many other karate friends. My phone to stop having problems. Half of the students (or more) in 601 to die.
I WISH: I could stay in Kinmen next year.
I HATE: That call-in talk show host that my bus driver likes to listen to. Faith Hill. John McCain.
I LOVE: My family! Chinese. Swimming. Strawberry 冰沙's. Classes 602, 604 and 504. Watching Ginger's mom teach (she's darned good at it).
I MISS: MY FAMILY!!!!!! Karate. Sparring with siblings.
I FEAR: Dead bugs.
I HEAR: Rain. It's been raining for way too long.
I WONDER: Why I don't hear anything else. Tomorrow is a holiday: are all the kids in bed already?
I REGRET: Not paying attention to God and coming to Taiwan 6 months before I did.
I AM NOT: Wearing tie-dye. For once.
I DANCE: Every once in a while. One of my classes at 金湖 has a couple girls that are always trying to get me to dance, but they will never dance with me.
I SING: At random times during class. The kids think I'm weird.
I CRY: Seldom. But I am touched easily by a touching song. (that sentance sounds strange.)
I AM NOT ALWAYS: Awake. I keep a weird sceduale.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: Leather tooled gifts. Juggling. Chinese characters (at about 600 of them right now!)
I WRITE: Chinese. I haven't written anything serious in English for a long, long time.
I CONFUSE: Tuesday for Wednesday. This morning I woke up and thought I was going to my Wednesday school.
I NEED: To take a shower.
I SHOULD: Unpack. Start laundry.
I START: Camps on July 1st.
I FINISH: My time with IBLP on Aug. 10th. The date cannot arrive soon enough.
I TAG: Mom.