Thursday, September 05, 2002

find your inner PIE @

I'm an apple pie. How interesting.

So, how are you doing today? Fine I hope. I had an interesting idea sparked by Hannah. Person 1 says to Person 2 "Hey, look on the bright side!" Person 2 replies "No, then it's even more depressing when it turns dark!"

Yes, I'm nuts.

Hey, did I tell y'all that it looks like we've set some pretty solid dates for going up to David's? Hmmm...have I even told y'all I'm going to David's? Maybe not...if you've heard this already, stop me. David is a professional Christian juggler who I have become pretty good friends with over the past two and a half years. And this coming Oct. I'm going to be spending a week at his house working on juggling and Christian routines and just visiting. I'm REALLY excited about it! If you'd like to, you can visit David's sight:

Let's see...what else. I did my drawing lesson today. It went pretty well (I got an A!), but I still didn't like what I'd drawn all that much. Still, it could have been alot worse. This afternoon I've got to go over the first 20 verses of Mat. 5, 'cause I have to say them to Mom tomorrow. I had up to verse 34 once, but I've kinda forgotten some. Still, it shouldn't be very hard. Spanish is shaping up to be taking a pretty big hunk of time, but Mom gave me an hour and a half for it, so I think I should do fine.

I got a very nice email from JC the other day, which I need to reply to (I'm going to try to do that tomorrow JC). It seems I need to write somebody else but I can't remember who! Hey, if you need me to write you, let me know! :)

Why is it that whenever you are posting on your blogger you can't think of anything to write, but once you get off you think of a million things to write?

And with that question I shall leave you. Farewell!

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

'ello, ello, ello! How are you doing today? I can ask that question because, thanks to a remark by OFG, I can now view the replies. Yup, I just log into my YACCS acount and there they are! I still can't view my blogger though, but I can look at it in the control center altogether, things could be worse. Then again, they could be alot better.

But in spite of that, I'm feeling pretty good right now. We started school yesterday. I like my scedule, except that I have to get up at 5:30. Not my first choice, but I'll live. I start school at 7:00 (biology) and finish at 3:30 (mimorization). In between is Math, Spanish, Gov., Wisdom Booklet and Faith Journal. I'm also having to fit art in there whenever I can. It's working pretty well.

Last night we had hamburgers for supper! Yum! They were VERY good.

Today was our first day of gymnastics (how do you spell that?). There's nine people in our class, mostly younger than ten, although there are a couple girls who are older than that. Ethan was trying to go wild the whole time. I think if we let him, he would try everything until he broke his neck! Joshua seems to have a little trouble, but I think he'll be ok.

And now I shall get off. I meant to post more, but I don't have enough time. Maybe tomorrow.