Friday, May 10, 2002


Hannah got the comment thing working for me! Yes! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

I have two cavities. I am going to die. And I HAVE been brushing my teeth, so quit looking at me like that!

Dad will be getting home tonight. Hopefully we can to to see a creationist tonight! take a look at that's the fellow who will be there. He's the fellow who offers $250,000 to anybody who can give him any proof of evolution. Nobody has gotten it yet, and he first made the offer in 1990!

I can't wait until Ep.2 comes out!

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

I think it's totally dumb and stupid.

The above is what happens when you read posts on message baords and try to post on your blogger as well.

Anyway....I just killed a wolf spider! *sniff* I was trying to catch it and take it outside and I stepped on it by mistake! Poor guy...and it was a REALLY cool spider too! Oh well...

We went to a see some interesting reptiles today with our homeschool group. The had a bunch of snakes and lizards and such, but my favorite was the box turtle. Most turtles run and hide when you come at them, but this guy would let you pet him and everything! He was so cute!

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and had your day ALL planned out and then you find out that it's going to be totally differant? Today was like that. I woke up and was going to really hit the school work and get it all done as fast as I can, but then we go on this field trip and that took the morning and then we watched a movie and that took the early afternoon and I really wanted to get on the I'm still going to try and get my math and biology done before bed....

God bless and bye!

Monday, May 06, 2002

Good morning! And how art thou today? can't really answer that, can you? Man...I need to get that YACCS thing working. No, I have no dropped off the face of the earth Hannah and I honestly will get around to that!

We had more storms last night and the weather alert radio was screaming half way into the night, until Mom turned it off. Then when Dad got me up in the morning we had no power! So I made his lunch by the light of our oil lamp and had to try and keep the frig door opened for as short a time as possible.

Yesterday Ethan went over to some friends house after church. That's about all there is to say about yesterday actually...oh, I wrote part of another song! I also fenced some more with was funny, we got so silly we could barely talk! Then Mom and Anna and BonnieJean and I go to the store and get chips for lunch.

Dad is going to be working out of town for several days, so he packed yesterday and this morning. He isn't really even sure how long he'll be gone.

Don't you just hate all these dating service adds? I was just looking at 'nika's blogger and there's this add with some girl looking at the camera like "I want you so bad!" and I'm thinking, can you imagine looking at a camera like that? Yes, I am strange. Good bye!