Monday, April 07, 2003

Wow! I feel like I'm alive! Ok, ok, maybe that's not so unusual a thing, but after last week, man, it sure feels great again! Tuesay night I started feeling horrible and then the next day I felt REALLY bad and didn't even go help with the home school gym class, which is my very fav. Thursday I was feeling better, but I could hardly swallow. Anyway, I'm FINALLY feeling better now! Yea! Oh, yes, and I did go to the doctor (see comments on post below).

Let's see, in spite of the fact that I got sick that day, Tuesday was a fun day. I started working two new classes at gymnastics. In the first class (ages 6 and up) I taught vault: not assisted, actually taught. I did have a guy helping me, but I actually know more about it than he does. I think I did pretty well: I was just teaching very basic stuff and I didn't have more than ten kids at a time, so it actually wasn't very hard. The second class (ages 9 and up) is very far behind from where they should be and from what my boss told me, it would seem she wants me to start bringing them up to speed. :0 I suppose stretching is good for you, but sometimes I think she places a little to much faith in me!

After gym Mom picked me up and dropped Anna, Ethan and I off at the local coffee shop for their Tuesday chess night. We had a blast. My first game was absolutely horrible, but I did pretty good otherwise. What was really cool is that the highest rated chess player in Oklahoma was there! He was very friendly and showed Anna and I a lot of stuff, most of which we have forgotten already, of course. ;) He said he's going to be there next Tuesday and will try to show me some stuff with the Kings Gambit, which is really cool.

Just recently our library has gotten a very large collection of Jeeves and Wooster movies, and so while we have been laid up with strep throat and ear infections we have been watching several of them. My favorite is Jeeves Saves the Cow Creamer. Their all very good.

While at the library I got a copy of a translation of the poem "Beowulf" and have started reading it. It's interesting.

I read an interesting essay while at the library as well. It was by some "Literary Critic" (ugg!) who seemed to think that Tom B., the Balrog and Shelob were to hard to believe. Not only that, but the idiot showed his wanton ignorance on the subject by stating, with a strait face, that not only was the ring no temptation to the Balrog, but he was also of the sort who would never allow anyone to be his master! Needless to say, I rolled my eyes appropriately and put the book back on the shelf.

I shall leave you now. Farewell!