Wednesday, September 03, 2008

wow...last week I wrote that Ethan's ankle is getting "bettery". That sounds like the annoying rhyme-talk that stupid cheer leader types think is cute. I think I'm going to puke now.

I wrote my first piece for my creative writing class and turned it in last week. We had to write a five page personal account of some sort. The idea is to eventually mutate it into a fictional piece. I wrote about practicing kata with Jason for a year and then winning first at Octoberfist as a blue belt. I'm not sure where I'm going to take it from there...ten pages really is a short amount of space to tell much of a story.

I'm ready to kill Ethan and Naomi. These kids have got to get serious about finishing school sometime this century or I think their cold, limp bodies will be found on a deserted road in the very near future.

Tomorrow I start my internship at a local middle school. I'll be in a 7th grade classroom for ten days this semester and I'll be teaching several lessons while I'm there...that should be fun. On top of that I'm trying to get a bunch of stuff ready to submit for my portfolio that the state of Oklahoma requires all teaching majors to complete. The whole thing is really a pain in the neck but it's one of those unavoidable pain in the necks that it doesn't really help to complain about, because everybody else is stuck doing (and hating) it as well.

Regular classes at gymnastics started again last week. We had our first homeschool class this morning, which went very well. That class is always one of the best. A large number of students from last year are back this year, which is great to see.

Oh, something interesting happened at gym on Thursday. I was teaching a class for girls over 12 and couldn't help but think that this one girl looked really familiar...then it hit me. I had taught her in the very first gymnastics class I ever taught...when she was six!

Sunday was the first of four weeks that I'm taking the older kids for Children's Church and doing lesson that are a little deeper than we typically do with them. I was really happy with how things went: we talked about the Bible using Ps. 19 7 and 8 and 2 Tim 3:16. There was a kid there who had never been to church before and she was full of really good questions. She said she didn't have a Bible, so I loaned her mine until next week when I'll have one for her...which is pretty derned cool, if you ask me.

Ok, I ought to get off of here. Bye!