Saturday, July 04, 2009

Well, I am long over due for a real post. I've been enjoying playing around with my flickr page so much lately that I haven't taken the time to blog. Shame, shame, shame!

This week has been a total blast. Wednesday we spent the afternoon and evening swimming and cooking out with the Teague family. The general consensus was that we are really, really bad at volleyball, but it is fun nonetheless. We swam until about 10...which is waaaaay too late, I know, but it was still a lot of fun.

Thursday Ethan and I went back out to Eastwood dojo to learn some more grappling. I've learned two things in the past week: I have almost no clue what to do on the ground, and I'm loving working on it. This week Mike Suggs ran us through some different stand-up and strength drills...I about died. But I did learn a bit about passing guard and how to hold a guy still during an arm bar. Good stuff.

Last night was very interesting. The Teagues invited us to join them for a "poetry reading". Everybody had to dress up in a costume of some sort and bring a few poems to read. We decided to have it at our house 'cause we have more room and everybody brought finger food. The costumes were a blast...Stokton and Joshua both came as punks, Naomi and Anna were gypsies, BJ was a hobbit, Ethan was a menacing figure (and he was too!), Tolkien was a wood nymph and Phoenix was Hans Solo. I got some amazing shots of folks in costume and I'll be posting some of those soon to flickr. I dressed as a political prisoner...I wore a large, dark over coat and tattered clothes. Mom did her make-up magic and made my face look gaunt and hollow. It actually was pretty convincing...I couldn't stop eating! ;-)

Now we're about to leave for Michelle's house to celebrate the Fourth of July. Fun fun fun!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ready To Dive! (29/30)

Ready To Dive! (29/30)
Originally uploaded by S Bavido
I've been having a lot of fun experimenting with water splashing off of stuff in our sink. This little dude was on the floor in our room and I figured he'd make an interesting subject. I like this one because it looks like he is about to dive into a pool.

BTW, if you leave comments, please leave them on the flickr page (click on the picture and use your Yahoo! id) so I can have all the comments together in one place.