Saturday, May 04, 2002

Another day....another ramble....

Today I mowed again. It seems like that yard just cannot stop growing! I don't mind it's kinda fun...having a little guy sitting in your lap, singing or just yelling for no reason. *g* When Isaac was riding with me he starting just screaming at random. I asked him why and he said he was just screaming!

Last night when BonnieJean and Anna and I were in the car, I was telling them that I would really like to write songs if I could, but I just didn't have the ability to do it. Well, guess what I did while mowing the yard? I wrote a song! Yep! It's got three verses and a pretty tune! BonnieJean and I worked out the main melody on the piano and we're going to be writing the parts soon. I'll post the music and words when we finish it!

I've been writing out some of the history for a story I've come up with. It's pretty fun. I'm writing it in the same style as the Silmarillion, 'cause it seems to be the only way I can get my brain juices flowing!

The party last night was not really fun. Anna and I got stuck with a team who didn't really want to be doing anything and then the Gastapo got us and we were all killed. :(

And on that cheerful note I will leave you!

Friday, May 03, 2002

This is funny! I had this chat a few minutes ago

princess24chic (4:28:16 PM): hey jugglin jesus freak
JJFSamuel (4:28:29 PM): hello
JJFSamuel (4:28:39 PM): and might I ask who I have the honor of addressing?
princess24chic (4:29:01 PM): Shana Rene Thomas
JJFSamuel (4:29:32 PM): ah..that clears it all up!
JJFSamuel (4:29:35 PM): umm....sorta
princess24chic (4:29:49 PM): who might u be??????
JJFSamuel (4:30:17 PM): *grins* I was wondering a little bit along the lines of what is your relationship to me (stranger, friend, enemy, long lost sister, ect)
princess24chic (4:30:33 PM): i be stranger
princess24chic (4:30:36 PM): lol
JJFSamuel (4:31:26 PM): and I would happen to be the one and only me
princess24chic (4:31:46 PM): obviously lol
JJFSamuel (4:32:21 PM): I like to state the obvious, it gives up something to agree on and so we are less likely to become mortal enemies
JJFSamuel (4:32:31 PM): us, not up, I mean
princess24chic (4:32:40 PM): oh okay
princess24chic (4:32:44 PM): thats great
JJFSamuel (4:33:50 PM): but I am also very flexible.....if you wish to become mortel enemies, then we could take our relationship in that direction
princess24chic (4:34:04 PM): no thanx
princess24chic (4:34:08 PM): jus friends
JJFSamuel (4:34:50 PM): well, if you wish, we could take the "long lost sister" road mentioned before...perhaps Bin Ladin is our father and your leading a rebellion against him?
princess24chic (4:35:04 PM): huh i doubt that
princess24chic (4:35:08 PM): i g2g

Goodness, I haven't been very good at blogging lately. I'll try to do better.

Today was pretty fun. We spent most of the morning doing pretty much nothing. Mom, BonnieJean, Anna and I spent alot of time just talking, which was lots of fun. I love my family! Last night BonnieJean and I did some juggling: mostly stealing. Of course BonnieJean can't do much, but we had a blast anyway: we got to laughing so hard we could barely juggle. Then we got out the swords (ok, sticks) and worked out a little bit of a routine, which was also a blast. Except for the time I got hit in the wrist that is.

Tonight Anna and I are going to a party at church that the young adult class is throwing for the youth. BonnieJean is going to be helping too. The whole thing is a big mystery and so BonnieJean has been hiding off in closets on the phone finding out what she's doing! LOL!

We went to church Wen. night to a good bye fellowship for some people leaving church. That was fun.

I can't wait until Ep. 2 comes out! I've been downloading and saving the TV things from the sites....the clone trooper trailer is really cool!

Wednesday, May 01, 2002


That's right! We left Tulsa yesterday at about 12:30 and got to OKC at about 2:45. We went to the Murril (sp?) building site (were they had the OKC bombing in '95) and then had supper at the training center. Afterwards I helped some in the dish pit. I did tri-sinks. What it is with me and tri-sinks? I mean, that's almost all I did at both Indy and Flint and now I"m doing it here...I did it at north, I just need to do tri-sinks in Dallas and Big Sandy and at headquarters and I will have covered them all! I left the pit at 7:10, ran upstairs and got ready for my performance. BonnieJean talked a bit, they gave her a gift and then I juggled. It went really well: one of my best performances probably.

We spent the night there and then left at about 10:30 this morning. We got home at 1:10. Of course, I'm leaving lots of stuff out, 'cause Mom want's me to get off now. God bless!

Tuesday, April 30, 2002


Well, I think I should be able to actually write something this time. I had a show on Sunday morning, which went really well. I added a few differant things to some of my routines, but I won't bore you with that. I will be doing a show at the training center either tonight or tomorrow morning, which I am really looking forward to. I'm going to be trying to do a routine on the life and ministry of Jesus, which I am somewhat nervous about because it's got a couple tricks that I don't really have down very well.

Sunday we had our annual "spring sing", which was a potluck (yum!) and then a time of singing and music. It was a blast! The food was great and the church was totally PACKED when they did the sing, lot's of people had to stand outside the door!

I've got only got a limited amount of computer time today, so I'm going to close this and do some other stuff. God bless!

Monday, April 29, 2002


Man...I can't seem to think of anything to write here...I couldn't think what to write this morning either...or yesterday....this is bad...I'll try again latter.