Friday, March 28, 2003

*sneaks onto blogger, ducking rotton tomatos*



It's been a little while since I last updated, huh?

*tries to laugh*

He he...umm...y'all look so...stern. Nobodies smiling. What's wrong?

Ok, Ok, I admit it! I'm a jerk! I'm a lazy slob! I haven't updated since Feb. 16th! I deserve to be shot! And to top it off with, I have no excuse! *sniff* And I'm sorry, and y'all are probably going to shoot me anyway. *blows nose*

Alright, lots has been going on lately! I guess I'll start with getting home from Memphis. Anna and I left the morning of the first of this month and after a nine hour trip (which wasn't fun, be was ok) got home. Dad picked us up and we got home somtime around six or so. We stayed up way to late visiting (of course) and then go up way to early to go to church. After church I repacked my bags and we headed out to OK City. We had supper with my host family (wonderful people) and then they left.

Goodnes, I didn't tell y'all why I was going to OK City. I did a one week state training course called TeenPact ( I had to do the homework they require both before I left and in Memphis (ok, I admit, I even had to do some on the bus trip home!) I was staying with family about half an hour from the capitol. Their oldest son, Brad, is 15 and we had a good time together. At TP I was on the transportation committee. We did a mock legislature, in which we presented bills, which were assigned to committees and then brought before the whole "senate" and debated and voted on. On the first day we elected a chairperson and vice chairperson. I ran for chair, but didn't get it, but I did get vice chair. Other than the mock legislature, we did prayer walks around the capital building, had speakers (including the vice chief justice of the OK supreme court!), did "field experiance" (learning about some of the differant offices in the capital and what you could do there, then doing it). It was a blast! I don't have time to tell y'all about the whole thing, but at the end, out of 80 very smart people, I had the highest combined homework and test score of them all! I was so shocked! And thrilled!

Since getting back from TP things have been going pretty well, and are just barely starting to get back to normal. The last couple weeks I've worked several days at the gymnastics place. One day I worked on "Open Gym", in which they simply allowed people to come and have at it to make up for snow days. Basically I spent a couple hours walking in cirlces making sure nobody was killing themselves, somebody else or the equipment. It was actually quite tiring! I'm going to start working on two new classes come Tuesday, which should be fun.

I shall post more latter. I'm starting to get a headache and don't feel all that great right now. Bye, love y'all!