Sunday, August 08, 2004

Hi there. I'm tired. The last couple days have been crazy.

I worked Wednesday night/Thursday morning shift (11 to 7). Then came home and tried to take the starter out of my car (it quit on me) and had a horrible time and didn't get anything done. Then I went to BattleCreek for Mr. Henderson's day class. I learned Godan! That was fun. But I left my gear bag there, because I was so flustered because the tire on the Honda was flat. One of the guys there at karate had a pump, so we pumped it up, drove down the road to a tire place and had it fixed. Then we came home and I went to sleep. Dad woke me up at about 5 and we got the starter out of my car. At six we leave for Owasso to go to Mr. Bolen's dojo for more karate. That was fun. Then we went home, I cleaned up real quick and then went and worked the night shift again. I got off work at 7, dropped my starter off at an auto place, went home and go my juggling stuff together. We then left for Tulsa, for a juggling show. I am very tired by this point. Now, instead of haivng just about 30 minutes of juggling, I've got THREE HOURS of juggling! I was juggling for a VBS and instead of getting everybody together to watch me, they made me part of the rotation, so I had a new group every 15 minutes! After that was over (and I'm about dead by now) we had to let Mom and BonnieJean finish their shopping. So we didn't get home until 3:30. I went strait to bed and slept for 16 hours. Then Saturday morning I had to get up and go to Oklahoma City for a gymnastics judging class. After we got home from that (4 o'clock) I put the starter back on my car.

Whew! So that's why I'm so tired! The juggling went very well (no credit to me: I was hardly awake the whole time).

Last week (or was it two weeks ago?) I took BonnieJean out on a date. We ate and then went into Tulsa and watched I, Robot. It was very good. I can't wait to see it again. You should go see it.

Two weeks ago I finished showing Jason my trick breaks. I did the half supported shuto, but had to hit it twice. Then I tried the unsupported ridge hand and got it the first time (he was impressed with it). Then I tried something I hadn't practiced before: two boards half supported hammerfist. The first time I hit it I broke the top board and cracked the bottom one. Before the top one hand a chance to slide off I hit it again and broke them both completely. That was pretty cool.

Anna's birthday was on the fourth. I was working the night of the 3/4 so I called her at midnight and wished her happy birthday. I then told her that I knew of a guy who really wanted to go out with her: did she want to? She said that as long as it's me or Dad then she wouldn't mind. So sometime this next week I'll probably be taking her out.

Going to Oklahoma City and back with Tammy and some of the other ladies from Gymnastics City was interesting. The gymnastics world in Oklahoma is rather small and everybody knows everybody. Apparently there is a large amount of politics involved as well, so it was interesting to listen to a few of Tammy's stories. (Yes, I know that was listening to gossip, but oh well.)

BonnieJean joined our church today. Everybody has accepted her so quickly. I love this church we're in. When we went to church in Owasso we had a TON more in common with everybody there, but we never really were accepted. It was an odd church. Here, we are completely different from everybody, but they all love us and want us there anyway. It's great. Our new pastor is cool too. He's not the best speaker but he's got a real heart for the people.

Man, I hate to think that BonnieJean will be leaving in three weeks. That really stinks.

This week we might be making a trip into Amarillo and Oklahoma CIty. Kinda depends on my work.

I have to get off now: time to take a shower!