Thursday, May 22, 2003

Well the class last Tuesday went fairly well...I sat down with the girls and we talked a little bit and then went on and did class. I was feeling pretty bad through the whole thing (headache, tiredness and just generally feeling ick) but managed to stick through it. I finally got myself some aspirin in the middle of the second class and started to feel better after that.

Saturday we had the fun meet. I was the coach at vault, which was pretty fun. It was my job to spot the girls and move the mats around. Moving mats doesn't sound like that hard of a job, but they're about 15 feet by 4 feet and velcroed down, so it's rather hard to move them! Tammy saw I was having trouble and pulled Dad out of the bleachers to help me, which was very good for me. Naomi did very well: she got blue ribbons on all the events!

I've been reading through the epistles lately and have been really enjoying it. I've found it interesting to do a little study and find out what the writer was doing at the time of writing it and where he was. It really made 2 Timothy interesting to read once you understand that Paul knew he would be dieing soon.

Monday night we had our belt promotions, but we didn't get our belts because the order had gotten messed up! So I've got my piece of paper saying I'm a yellow belt, but I don't actually have a yellow belt! :) I've been working a lot on the orange to green belt kata, which is very different from the other two I know. It's a pretty fun kata, but there's a couple things that I'm not sure if I'm doing right, so I'll have to ask the Sensei about it at the next class.

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday! Can you believe it? No? Neither can I! I think I want to be 14 again. But the one good thing about turning 18 is that I get to register to vote, which is something I've been looking forward to all my life. We had a little family party tonight with cake and candles and what-not and then next Saturday we will be going paintballing with as many people as I can get to come!

Last night was the last night of class at gym until next school year! I'm gonna miss my girls! I will possibly be working with the summer camps though, so I should get to see some of them there. I'll miss having Shelby bothering me about doing back handsprings every five seconds. *grins* I think she would do those until she fainted if I let her.

We watched a couple interesting movies lately. One was "What about Bob?", which I highly recommend. It does have some language, but is otherwise clean. My fav. quote from it would have to be "GETOWABLAHBLAH!!!!!" (You have to have seen it to get it) The other movie was "The Next Karate Kid", which was moderately ok. It's interesting to see how it had several good ideas and characters, but neither were developed as they should have been. And the holes in the logic were huge. Like when they blow up a car down at the docks and NOBODY shows up! The whole dock is a flaming inferno, and yet for some reason nobody seems to notice! But I did really enjoy the scene with the Buddhist monks going bowling. ("Is called Zen Bowling!")

Sunday afternoon at church they hosted a dinner for the graduates and their families after service. It was a very good meal and lots of fun. Of the 8 graduates, only one is not home schooled and he had gone to a private school.

Tomorrow night BonnieJean and I are going to be going to a party at her Sunday school teachers house. Dad, Ethan and Joshua are going camping with the ALERT Cadets, and they are very much looking forward to that.

I need to get off now. Talk to y'all latter! Thanks for praying for me guys: it helps!

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