Wednesday, May 22, 2002

I am feeling great! Why am I feeling great? I don't really know. That's actually a question that David just asked me over AIM and I still haven't figured it out. But who cares why I'm happy? I am! And that's great! :)

I'm really getting excited about Knoxville. We will be meeting up with Brian on the 4th (YES!!) and spending some of the afternoon with him. That should be real fun.

I am having an interesting talk with somebody on AIM. They m'd me and asked what I thought of Abe Lincoln and so I told him/her I didn't like him. And now he/she thinks I hate all northerners. Strange.


What was that? I just thought Mike needed that. And it is kinda fun to look at a blog one day and see your name written in big blue letters, don't you think?

And now I shall leave you. That's right, it's yet another empty post. I'm doing lots of this lately. Ok, next time I get on, I promise I'll have something to say!

Monday, May 20, 2002

Hello, long time no blog!

I have gotten next to nothing done today. And yet, strangly, I'm not feeling as down as I normally do. I did a lesson on the Industrial Revolution this morning, which was fun. Naomi and Mom kept on interupting me, but other than that it went ok. I got my biology done and my math and Spanish, and that's about it! I still have to do some of the work sheets for wisdom booklet, but that doesn't bother me too much, 'cause I can probably do those next Sunday. Actually, I was going to do them yesterday, but I took a nap instead!

Dad is working on the car still. He's trying to get the fuel injection system working and it's really driving him nuts. We were trying to prime the fuel pump (or something like that!) yesterday evening and our pump thingy didn't work. So right now we are without the van and Dad has the car with him (he seemed to think he needed to go to work today). I hope he gets it fixed pretty soon, 'cause we would REALLY like to go see Ep. 2, but without a car we can't, and I very seriously doubt that Dad would let us go in the evening after he's home from work.

Dude, I'm going to be 17 on Thursday. Can you beleive that? I can't. Wow, 17? As in one ten and seven ones? That's not right...that means it's only one year 'til I'm 18 (one ten and 8 ones)! That just can't be!

I haven't blogged in four days. I honestly ought to have something to say here. I should be bubbling over with things to tell you. But I'm not. I'm tired I guess. I slept awful last night, maybe that's why.

God bless!