Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy new year to everyone! I've been working on making the comments work again but instead they have just disappeared. Gone completely. I'm hoping that a new post will bring them back to life.

Christmas was (is) wonderful. We decided to wait until the first of January to celebrate this year, so that we could take advantage of after Christmas sales when buying presents. We had intended to open presents this morning, but after staying up to welcome in the new year everybody wanted to go ahead and open presents then. So we didn't get to bed until about 2 am, but it was certainly a lot of fun. I got two CDs (the newest from Brave Saint Saturn and Nickleback), a Monet calender (I'm a huge Monet fan), lots of various eatable stuff, new pj pants (very comfy) and the whole family got a bunch of DVDs. Then we all went to bed and slept in until very late. It feels great.

So Monday I start my full internship. I'm both excited and scared to death. I met with Susan, the teacher I'll be working with, on Monday and we discussed some things about how we will go about working together. It looks like my first week I'll just be observing and I'll do some teaching the second week and then start to take over by the third week.

Monday morning we were working with the level 6s on the dance portion of their floor routine. Now, understand that the bread and butter of coaching gymnastics is yelling "Get tight!" every few seconds. A loose body is out of control: all good gymnasts maintain a tight body throughout their skills. So at any rate, Jeniffer is trying to get Hope to do a dance move correctly. Finally, in frustration, she says "Would you just quite being so tight?!" My boss and I literally collapsed laughing. It's just not the type of thing you hear very often from a coach. Perhaps it doesn't sound so funny on my blog, but it sure was at that point in time.

I guess that will be it for my new year's post. Hope you guys all have a wonderful '09!