Thursday, March 24, 2005

Hi there. I have BIG NEWS!

I'm staying for another year!

Goodness, I can't really believe it myself. But yes, I am staying. I will be coming home this summer for a few weeks (not sure how many) and then I'll be coming home during winter vacation (in Jan.) I'm really looking forward to being here longer: I've come to love this place so much in just the few weeks I've been here.

This past week has been awesome. I've been praying for my classes alot more and I can really see the difference. I've had two classes in which every student volunteered to say the tounge twister! Wow! That's just about unheard of. Tuesday Andrew gave me a really cool idea for a game to play in the class room and I've done that all week: it's very popular.

Tomorrow night I'm having a party for my Jr. High English teachers. We're going to play Apples to Apples. We're also going to talk a little bit about Easter, so pray for that.

Dad is going to be here in one week! I can't wait! WOW!

I've started running again. I hadn't been doing it the past several weeks: what with being sick and the cold weather I simply couldn't make myself do it. But it sure feels great to be running again. Last night after I ran I went over to the big gym and did all my katas. There were a bunch of people there dancing: it was interesting to watch.

Ok, it's time for team meeting. Bye bye!