Monday, November 28, 2005

Ok, so we are back from Taiwan. It was an awesome week and I am extremely, very happy to be back home in Kinmen. (For those of you wondering, we actually say "Going to Taiwan" whenever we leave Kinmen and go to the large island...the people here consider themselves to be Kinmenese, not Taiwanese.)

This past week was our Thanksgiving "break". I say "break" because it wasn't really anything of the sort...but it was still a very good week. Friday we left Kinmen and went to Taow Ywen county. They hosted us at a Jr high school for troubled kids. Friday and Saturday we did touring and Sunday went back into Taipie for church. Monday we had a press conference and then from Monday to Thursday taught in the schools in the area...some really awesome schools. Then Thursday we went back to Taipie for Thanksgiving with the Chen family (an IBLP family that does ministry over here) and then Friday and Saturday mornings we had meetings and then afternoons free...Saturday afternoon we went come to Kinmen (yea!).

After an hour flight, we go off the plane and where greeted by Ben. He took us to the bus we that we drove around in for the next several days. Once on the bus I sat down near Joh-Eric, who I worked with in Memphis doing CharacterFirst! It was really good to see him again.
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After taking us to the dorm to drop our stuff off, we were taken to this bridge. Walk across it and up the hill a little ways and you come to a really cool old street filled with tourist traps. I think they should send the Taow Ywen goverment people all over Taiwan to teach them how to give tours: they just told us what time to be back and let us roam. That was really nice. And very fun.
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Ben and Joh-Eric quickly found the play ground.
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Then Friday they took us to ??? (literally "Small People World"), which kinda like a theme park. The first half was a bunch of really cool minitures (some of which weren't all that miniture) and then the second half of the park had some rides (but only one really good one).
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great wall of china
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They even had a model of Kinmen...although, if you asked me, it doesn't look much like it. At any rate, this is a picture of Jing Chun, the town we live in.
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While I was looking at the Kinmen model, a college age girl came running up yelling "Kinmen! My home!" in Chinese. So I turned to her and asked if she was from Kinmen. She said yes and I told her I was also. So in very Taiwanese college age girl fashion, they all had to have their picture taken with me....which was kinda funny. I then snapped this picture of them...the girl in the bottom left is the Kinmen girl.
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Megan and Sandy by the Great Wall.
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Wouldn't you love to have one of those in your living room? This was at a tourist trap at the theme park. Pretty cool, huh?
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just being different
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then lucas punched her lights out...
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I didn't want a typical picture either...
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I've actually been to this place...really cool
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Sunday we went back into Taipie for church and then had lunch at the King Car office. This is me with Jack and Vivian, two wonderful Christians. I worked with Vivian during winter camps and Jack was my TA and roommate during summer camps. Both really cool people.
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Ginger...who is very cute-uu (probably only BJ will get thise one...)
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Ok, a little King Car/English teacher history. Last year Ben was the overall leader for our teams. And because of that, whenever we had a press conference, Sandy and Morgan Sun (our boss and the president of King Car, respectively) would make a very big deal of Ben's Chinese. However, the fact of the matter is, Ben's Chinese is very poor. So it always looked kinda silly when he would try to talk in Chinese after they finished saying his Chinese was so great. But this year Lucas is our overall team he gets up to talk and he's like (in Chinese) "Should I speak Chinese?" Everybody says he should. So he says (again in Chinese) "Ok. First I want to ask my brother to come up here and help me translate." And we're all like "Huh? Why does he need Andrew to translate? But then Andrew comes up and Lucas gives an amazing speech...very natural and relaxed. And after each sentance Andrew translates it into Taiwanese!

Dude, our teams Chinese skills so totally rock. My Chinese is the worst on our team, and yet my Chinese is better than anybody on any of the other teams! Our team just totaly rocks!
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Nantou team...some really cool people. Top left is Daniel, who I hung out a lot with this past week...he's a really cool guy with a great heart for the kids he works with. Middle is Naomi, who is totally crazy and really cool. This last week was my first time to meet her. Then there's Joel, their very silent team leader. He is cool. Bottom left is Kristen, who I worked with for a few days before going home this summer. I hung out with her some this week and really enjoyed getting to see her again. Then there's Mia (said "My"), who is also really cool. Nantou also has one other team member, but her granpa died and so she flew home to go to the funeral.
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a strange team...
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one of the big reasons they are strange...
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Daniel...another reason they are so strange.
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So the Taow Ywen goverment gave each of us a gift at the press conference...ties for the guys and skarves for the girls. For the picture they decided to each wear it in a different way...and this is how Meagan chose to wear her's. Girl you so rock.
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I also love the way Ginger wore her's (second from right).
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Then Monday afternoon we went to our first school...they did a big performance for us before our large was awesome. They did a really, really cool drum performance. It was loud, but it was awesome. They were really good.
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Then they did a dragon dance. I've seen better dragon dances (it's really, really cool when done well) but this one wasn't bad either.
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And then some of the 5th grader girls did a little dance they had come up with by themselves for our arrival.
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That night did a "party" for the kids at the Jr. high we were staying at. For the skit Daniel and I were twins, so we dressed the same and did some very crazy stuff was a hoot.
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Then the kids did a smal performance as's some of them doing their aboriginal dancing
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Then the rock band played. To be totally honest, they sounded horrible. They couldn't sing and their drummer had no sense of rythem. But it was a hoot anyway. It's really hard to describe if you don't know the culture, but just the fact that they would try something like that even if they weren't that great at it is reall cool. Problem students are so cool over here...the good kids tend to be boring. (BJ, you know what I'm talking about, right?)
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I left my heart back in Taow Ywen with these Jr. high kids.
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Really cute 7th grader
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Wednesday morning the Kinmen team got to actually teach at the Jr. High we were staying at (the one for troubled kids). I taught the 9th grade. It was so totally awesome and it really made me miss teaching Jr. high. The principle later told us that he esp. wanted to thank me, because he'd never seen the 9th graders so serious in class before.

Since leaving Taow Ywen these kids have been calling us really often, asking when we will come back. Sunday one of them actually called me at 1 in the morning. We are making plans right now to go back over there for a weekend right after Christmas.
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You can see so many things in these kids eyes. Both pain and an amazing openess to love and be loved. None of them have both a mother and father at home. Most have been abused, either physically or sexually. Many cut themselves. But show them just a little love and they flock to you like moths to a light. Half the school was crying when we left the school. I am amazed to see all these kids have come through and still have the ablility to love and to trust. They are truly amazing kids.
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with 9th graders (and one 7th grader in front)
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IYan...really cool Christian dude with amazing English
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Wednesday afternoon we taught a teachers conference. That was really fun. The teacher on the bottom left in the blue shirt was awesome. I really wish I could visit her class and just watch her teach and learn.
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Thanksgiving with the Chens! Awesome food!
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Jon-Eric dancing
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Ginger blowing a wistle
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Mia blowing a wistle
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Super with Janice and Julie, two TA's from winter camp. Oh, and Mia.
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English over here can be really funny sometimes...
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So, that was last week. Very fun, but dude, I am so glad to be home in slower moving, less crowded and less stinky Kinmen.