Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Good times, good people, good ice cream. (Visiting with Daniel up in Kansas)

School start on Monday. I'm only taking 12 hours, which seems very odd because I've never taken that light of a load. Of course you never know how a semester will be until you've finished the first week, but I'm seriously hoping to have a semester at least a little bit less crazy than last one.

You know how you'll do something, and then it's only later that you'll look back on it and say to yourself "wow, that was totally nuts." That's what last semester was like. I took a rather heavy load (ok, a VERY heavy load!), did tutoring for several classmates, tested for first brown and worked full time and then four days after the semester was over I left the country! The whole thing was extremely stressful and I'm surprised I didn't just explode. But when it was actually going on I was too caught up in keeping my head above water that I didn't even realize how stressed I was.

Next month I'm going to be taking the older half of the kids in Children's Church (9 to 12 years old) and doing a separate lesson with them. I'm really looking forward to it. We're going to be covering the basics of Christian living and my hope is to get a little deeper and more serious than the Sunday school lessons which come from the Baptist convention (which are amazingly shallow).

Last Sunday we drove down to Dallas early in the morning. We stopped by Uncle Rod's house and then went with them to Medieval Times, where we also met up with Daniel and his family. Medieval Times is a diner theater place...after sorts. You are served a medieval style meal (sans spoon and fork, of course) and while eating it you watch a show. There were some really good horse men and very well trained horses there. Plus it was fun cheering on our knight as he went on to win the tournament and defeat the evil Green Knight (boo, boo). Then Monday we went to six flags, which of course was a blast. It's hard to beat the Titan (255 foot drop!) but Mr Freeze, with it's 0 to 70 mph in 3 seconds came very close. But Titan is still my favorite.

I have to go to go pick up Anna from school and then go home and finish putting my car back together (don't even ask). bye!