Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lol..judging from the number of comments I'm getting on my latest posts, it would seem that I've lost a good number of my readers. :( Oh well...I guess that's to be expected considering how good I've been about updating this thing. I'm trying to do better. I'm not going to make any promises about at least one post per two weeks or something like that, because I know I'll break it, but at least I will say that I'm trying to update more often.

Ethan's ankle is slowly but surely getting bettery. I'm really, really hoping he can still test for his blackbelt...the pre-test is coming up in just a few weeks and then the actual test is Oct. 4th. He's finally to the point that he can run again, so things are looking hopeful.

I'm having writers block, so I was scanning other people's blogs and I found this on JC's I'm stealing it.

Three things.

Three things that scare me:
1. Fiddleback spiders. Ugg.
2. Loosing any of my unsaved students.
3. Keith M. as my tenth fight at my black belt test. Normally, I think I could handle fighting him but the man has absolutly no control and after 18 minutes of fighting I don't want to have to fight him. Hopefully it will be Mr. Murry.

Three people who make me laugh:
1: Daniel
2: Joy
3: Naomi

Three Things I love:
1: Dr. Pepper
2: Back hand spring classes
3: Being fit

Three Things I hate:
1: Gretchen Wilson
2: Auto repair
3: Big Government

Three things I don't understand:
1: People who do drugs. I mean, I can understand why people would have a lot of vices, even if I wouldn't do them myself. I can understand the desire to rob a bank, even though I haven't ever done it. But I just can't think of why somebody would take drugs.
2: People who hate Wal-Mart
3: If we're running somebody like John McCain, is there even a point to having a Republican Party?

Three things on my table next to me:
1: My laptop (I'm sitting at a computer in the library, but carrying my laptop with me)
2: My bag of books
3: Another student

Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Downloading a large file and hoping the computer lets me install it.
2: Feeling a little cold...why do American's keep the A/C so low all the time?
3: Wishing QT was still doing their sale on 32 oz fountain drinks.

Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Travel Asia
2: Become fluent in Chinese and Taiwanese
3: Do Mr. Murry proud.

Three things I can do:
1: Juggle
2: Teach
3: Leather tool

Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Out going
2: Talkative
3: Confident (is that the same as number one?)

Three things I can't do:
1: A layout
2: Math
3: Eat bambo.