Friday, June 05, 2009

I've been looking forward to this summer for some time now, but now that it's actually here I find that I'm having trouble enjoying it because I haven't gotten a teaching job yet. I've put out way too many applications to keep track of and I've had a couple interviews (one of which seemed very promising, but I still haven't heard back from them) but nothing beyond that. I know that many schools don't have the funding in place yet to see about hiring new teachers and it's not at all unusual to get hired in August or even September. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm about to go crazy without a job.

In less frustrating news: Monday night we went to the under belt tournament that Christa Bailey put together and had a blast. Caleb wasn't sure he wanted to fight, but after some talk he decided he would. He fought three fights and took first place! His sidekick did most of the work. Fighting with the bigger guys at home gives him a real advantage when he faces people his size and belt level.

BonnieJean also fought and did very well. She fought Christina Luna, a green belt who has trained a lot with Jason and done very well at tournaments in the past. BonnieJean hasn't really kept up with karate during college, but she decided to jump back in with both feet and fight. It was a great fight. BJ kept hitting Christina in the face (which is not allowed until brown belt) but I told her it'd probably be easier to just get to brown belt instead of trying to train that out of her! ;) Christina won the fight by a couple points, but I was very happy with how they both fought.

At the end I did an exhibition fight with Jeff Logsdon (sp?). It was a lot of fun. Jeff is an amazing fighter and I was actually fairly happy with how well I did against him. I only lost by six points! *grin* Most of the time I was just a split second behind him on scoring the point.

Six Flags is awesome. And I always enjoy hanging out with Uncle Kent's family.

I would post pictures from graduation but I've lost my camera. So once I find that I'll post them.

Monday, June 01, 2009

For the month of June I have decided to challenge myself to post one interesting picture per day on my flickr page. So hop on over to my flickr page and enjoy the show!

In other news, I think I'm going to go crazy until such time as I get a job. Honestly, the last time I was looking for a job it only took me about one week. Now that I'm looking at a much longer job search I find myself getting more and more antsy as the days go by. So please pray I find a job quickly.