Saturday, February 07, 2004


Well, howdy, howdy, howdy! I just sat down to write BonnieJean and then realized that I don't have anywhere to send an email, so I guess I'll post this on my blogger and make it a letter/blog entry.

That's so cool about your class going so well during karate class! Everybody was very interested in hearing about you. I can't wait to tell Mr. Murry about what you said!

Speaking of karate, it was pretty fun. I did the first class with Isaac and actually learned something really interesting. Remember how when y'all learned the backfist Anna and I were in Memphis? So I never was actually taught the backfist. What I was doing was holding my hand as though I had just finished a descending hammerfist and swinging from my elbow to strike (if that makes any sense). Then Mr. Murry taught us the backfist in first class and it turns you that you're supposed to throw it like a hammerfish, turning it over into a backfist at the last moment to get that "snap". So I've had to totally re-learn my backfist, but it feels much better now.

In second class we worked on basics all together and then partnered up and worked on sparring componets: in close, hands only, kicks only, body shots only, etc. Mr. Garza took several of us aside and had us do slightly different stuff. It was pretty fun. I had hoped to grab Mr. Davis after class and fight a little bit, but wasn't able to. However, Rachel Baker said she'd fight me next week, which should be pretty fun: she's a good fighter.

Monday afternoon I had my follow-up with Mr. Brown, the guy at the ORU career guidance office. He sure is a character! what a blast! He said I'm very much the business starter type. At one point when we were talking about film directing he actually got out of his chair and started pacing! After my meeting with him I went by the Fin-Aid office and got the verification forms for us.

Anna and I sparred some today. She's getting much better at being consistently aggrasive when fighting me. She's got about a forty percent chance of hitting me when she charges, while when she lets me come to her she only has about a ten percent chance. I have a lot of trouble when we fight no-break, because we're in such a small space and I can't block forever. So I just keep on leaning backwards and end up falling down on the couch. I guess I'm going to have to learn to keep my feet under me and to take a few, rather than trying to block everything (which isn't working anyway!) Then Ethan and I sparred a good deal as well. He's starting to develop a really solid round house that he doesn't telegraph nearly as much as he used to. I've starting using a combination that Mr. Murry showed us last week and I'm really, really liking it. When you are in an opposite stance from the other fighter, throw a ridge hand with your back hand. For example, if your in a left stance, you throw a right ridge hand to chudan, stepping forward into a right stance as you do so. From there you transfer into a right backfist. It's been working extremely well and I can't wait to try it on some different fighters at class.

I got behind in math at the end of last week and have been working like crazy ever since then to catch up. I did four lessons on Wednesday, four on Thrusday, four today and if I do four tomorrow I'll be caught up. I'm not having much trouble with going that fast, because they're focusing on a couple concepts right now and introducing new stuff very slowly.

So far nobody has given us an answer on going to TeenPact with us. Josh Garza said his parents are talking about it and Sarah However-You-Spell-Her-Last-Name (the one related to the Sova's) said they might possibly go. I know Jordan Baker is going, but I'm not sure which one he's going to.

So, BonnieJean, why haven't you posted on your blogger any? If you want me to, I can set up comments for you (I finally figured it out! Which is a good thing, 'cause I didn't want to risk losing the favor of Hannah by asking her to help me once again with comments.) Oh, did you know that Kelly Holliday and fam. have started karate? Don't you think Kelly would be just a total blast to do karate with?

Tuesday night at tumbling class I did five back hand springs in a row! They weren't the best I've ever done, but I did it! I also did round-off four back hand springs for Mom, which was cool. I'm starting to think I may quit class in a couple months: I have access to Tammy every Wednesday and Josh every Wednesday and Thursday. Josh can teach and spot just as well as Kevin, and Tammy is much better than Kevin. I have plenty of time to practice when the floor is free.

BonnieJean, as for posting on your blogger. Log in and blick on "BJ's Babblings" on the right hand side. This should take you to a page that has two parts: the top part is a blank for for you to write in and the bottom shows you your previous post. (If it doesn't, look at the very top: you'll see three links ("Posts", "Settings" and "Template") make sure it's on the "post" one.) Enter your blogger entry in the top part of that page. Then CC your entry, because sometimes it can get lost if there is some sort of problem. Now on the upper right hand corner click "Post and Publish" (Not the post button). And that should post it to your blogger! If you want to edit a post, look in the bottom of the two parts of your screen. Click "edit" on the post you want to edit. It will appear in the top. Edit it, then click "Post and Publish" once again! And that's all it takes! *grins*

PS How do y'all like the new text color? lol

Sunday, February 01, 2004


Well hello to my adoring fans. It's been a little while since I updated, but I have good reason. Sunday BonnieJean headed off for Taiwan, so all of last week was spent getting everything ready for her to leave. Then after she left everybody got sick. Anna and Naomi were throwing up last night, Isaac and Joshua two nights before that. I'm feeling really bad right now. I suppose the good thing is that I started feeling bad after the juggling show I had this afternoon.

Speaking of which, it went pretty well. It was actually a home school co-op clowning class that I performed for (no, I have not become a clown!) I did about twenty minutes of Christian juggling and then about twenty minutes of talking about Christian ministry and juggling ministry in partiular.

Monday we got a snow storm, which prevented us going to karate. So instead we cleared out the living room and had our own mini class. We worked mostly on the basic katas, trying to get them exactly perfect.


Can you beleive it's already the second month of the year? Amazing.

BonnieJean called us yesterday. She talked for an hour and a half. It was a blast. Except the cell phone she was on kept fading out, which made it kinda hard to talk to her.

The stuff written on the 30th was written when I was feeling really, really sick. I had been laying in bed for several hours and about 10:30 PM I couldn't lay still anymore. So I came into the kitchen and wrote some.

Last night we watched Pirates of the Carribean with Dad. I didn't except he would like it that much, but he actually did. Every time I see that movie I enjoy it more. And it has some of the best lines!

"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know. If I see any, I shall inform you immediatly."

"You're off the map. Here there be monsters!"

"Aye, the compass doesn't point North, but we aren't trying to find North, are we?"

"You'd best start beleiving in ghost stories, Miss Turner. You're in one!"

"I always liked you."

"That was for the smell."

"Jack, you should know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping! It's bad luck!"

"'Must have been terrible for you Jack...' WELL IT BLOODY IS NOW!"

"But why is the rum gone?"

"No surviours? Then were do the stories come from?"

"Dambed be whoever came up with the word 'parley'!" "That would be the French."

"Hmm?" "HUUmm..." "hhuUUMM?" "HuMMMM. Hmm-UUUmmmMM..." "The kid?" (only makes sense if you've seen it).

"Aye, sea turtles!" "What did he use for rope?"

"So we're all men of our word! Except of course Elizibeth, who is in fact a woman."

"That's interesting."

"You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"

*ahem* Anyway.

BonnieJean says she's going to be getting a blogger. That will be cool.

Tomorrow I'm going to a meeting with the ORU career counsler to talk about my major and my career plans. BonnieJean went about a week and a half ago and said it was a really interesting meeting. I've seen the guy guy before a couple times and he seems like a real character.

I can't think of anything to write. Please forgive the horrible spelling. Farewell!