Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ready to fight.

Joshua will be testing for his second degree brown belt this coming Monday. There are three degrees to brown belt, and odd as it may seem, third degree is actually the lowest and first degree is the highest. So right now Joshua is a third degree, and he'll be testing for second degree. He did an excellent job with his katas on his pre-test and quickly made improvements when we told him to. I've very excited about this test.

I taught three lessons yesterday at my internship site, and had a lot of fun doing it. Michelle, one of my classmates at NSU, came out and observed my teaching, since we're required to have somebody observe us as a part of the internship. I taught a lesson on speaking to people with limited English to a speech class and had a blast doing it. I was talking about how important it is to use your face, voice and body to get your message across and decided to tell a story in Chinese to get the point across. So I did a very dramatic story about a monster, a princess and a prince, all in Chinese but with big body motions and lots of voice inflection. They loved it. Then I taught a grammar lesson for a language arts class, which went fairly well...I hate grammar. I put together a webquest on architecture that we did for two humanities went out, but a lot of the students had never done a webquest before, so we ended up spending a lot of time trying to get them to understand how it was supposed to work.

Naomi is going to be joining the TAG team at gym as a level 5! We are all very excited about it. The first meet will be in just a few weeks, so she's going to have to jump on top of things pretty fast to learn the routines. She already knows most of the skills, although they will still need work to get them ready to compete with. The biggest problem she'll have is learning how to do a kip (a skill for mounting the bar that is VERY difficult to learn). She's already got some idea of what to do with it though, so hopefully it won't take her more than a few months to learn.

After tonight I will be halfway done with the semester. It seems like this semester is actually rushing by...I think it's because the black belt test had so much of my attention at the start of the semester that I didn't really realize the school year had started until the test was over. So from that perspective we've only been in school about three weeks!

Surely I have something more to write about. I'll think of something as soon as I hit "publish post", I just know I will. But of course the only thing running through my mind right now is, "can't we go to break right now? I have to go to the bathroom!"

Well...we had break, I went to the bathroom, and I've sat here for a while trying to think of something to write and ....nothing. So I'll sign off. Farewell!