Friday, January 24, 2003

Step, step, lock, turn sideways, step together, turn backwards, step back, step back, lock in front, turn forwards, down, up, up, good job! Now go to the low beam, but make sure you go around, 'cause those girls are on the big beams.

Alright, sorry, but that is the beam routine we were teaching the kids two nights ago. I was working on the "hotdog beam", and I walked through the routine (me on the floor, them on the beam) with each of the girls at least five times. I probably did the whole thing at least 50 times...let me tell you, I know that routine!

Well, Anna and I are going to Memphis. I'm still not sure what I think of that, but I guess it doesn't matter that much since I'm doing it anyway! We'll be leaving probably on Feb. 1 and getting home on March 1. So that should be an interesting experiance.

And I shall try to update more latter. Farewell!