Thursday, May 16, 2002

Hello, hello, my dear fans! Today is a very imporant day in the life of all Samuel-fans. Why? Because, once again, I have lowered myself to your level and am posting a blog for you to study. Use this gift well! Study it! Learn it! Think about it! Talk about it! It is not every day that mere mortals get something like this. It's a little bit more like every two or three days.

Today has seemed in one sense very long and in another very short. I don't feel like I got enough school work done. I still have to do some history review, study more for the my biology test tomorrow, work on memorizing the presidents, the capitals of the states, Matt. 5, read some in the book Mom wants me to read and lots of other stuff that I can't remember right now and it's already 5:18! I'm going to die! Oh well, I guess I should have realised that a long time ago. *note: in case you haven't learned this yet, you will die one of these days, unless Christ returns. That's why I called you a "mortal" above. Why am I putting this note in here? It's just distracting you from the main topic of this paragraph!* On the brighter side, I got my history done and my math (all correct!) and some of my biology and some of my Spanish and finished my wisdom booklet and got my Bible reading done. I also got to read some of the Two Towers this morning, which was lots of fun, because it's been lost for a long time. Still is actually, Mom had to buy a new copy yesterday.

As I was reading, I got to wondering about why Gimli tired before the other two did. As Aragorn said, Saruaman was putting out a spell to slow them down. But Dwarves were made with this very type of thing in mind. Even the dwarf rings didn't bring them under the will of Sauron. So why did it effect Gimli the most? Or did it? Was he simply the lest hardy of the three? But I find that somewhat hard to beleive. Legolas, yea, I think he was probably hardier, but Aragorn? It's possible, but I still think that a dwarf in his prime like Gimli would give a man, even a Ranger a good run for his money.

Well, I have to get off now. God bless y'all!

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

I haven't posted here in *checks* 4 days! Wow, that's way too long! Actually, I tried to post yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. I loaded it, and then it had an error. So I tried refresh, and it had an error. Then I tried and it loaded after a long wait. Then I tried signing in and it had an error. So I tried again and it had an error.

Caleb just did something that should be done in the restroom in a room that is not the restroom, so I had to clean him up. Ick. He is laying on his bed now, because he knew what he was doing was wrong too.

I've figured out what it is that Brian does on his blogger to make it look like he's actually posting alot. Most of us have bloggers that take up most of the page. Like mine has that little table on the right *points to the right* and the rest is blog. Well, Brian has got only about one third (if that) of the page as blog. The rest is blank space. He's CHEATING!!!! Yes, that is right, and we thought he was just such a nice guy. *shakes head* Hey, speaking of Brian, WE WILL PROBABLY GET TO MEET HIM NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that's right, we're going to Knoxville! Dad finally decided on Sunday. It will be Dad, BonnieJean, Anna, Ethan and myself. I am SOO excited! I've never had the chance to go, and have always wanted to.

Let's see...what else. Oh, we might be going to New Mexico to do a VBS for some friends and their church over there. That would be really fun. We might come up with our own stuff for it, or maybe use some CI stuff. Personally, I'd like to make our own. I thought it might cool to do the spiritual armour or the fruits of the spirit or maybe the creation week.

BonnieJean was reading to Joshua today and I was listening some. One thing that stood out was the comment about the Old Forest attacting the hedge near Buckland. And I got to wondering: did Old Man Willow have the other trees under a spell, like he used on the hobbits? Or were they all bad? And if so, what happened to the good ones? Remember, Fangorn used to be part of the same forest and it still has some good trees. Could the bad trees have actually killed the good ones?

And on that happy note I will leave you.