Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This is me, looking rather dorky. I thought I'd post a picture to give y'all an idea of how long I grew my hair out before I cut it. I'm thinking I'll try growing it out again sometime in the next few years...

I'm not going to comment on the election. I'm not in the least surprised, but still highly upset. Beyond that I don't want to say anything...check out Mom's blog, I'm sure she'll post something brilliant soon. And read Anna's. Very good post.

Joshua is amazing. He passed his test last Monday. Because he was testing for an upper level (only one more test before he goes for black belt after this) he was given very little slack. Even though, physically, he isn't one of the "big dogs", he still had to hang with them. And, boy oh boy let me tell you, hang with them he did! He took some really hard shots but set his jaw and just kept on fighting. He is the smartest 14 year old fighter I have ever seen. Most kids that age simply understand techniques and combos. Joshua understands that he is fighting a person and works to understand and fight that person.

We're having our first TAG (Tulsa Area Gymnastics) meet on Saturday. I've got a weekend class then, but hopefully we'll get out a bit early and I can jump on the turnpike and rush back to gym and coach. Our USAG girls (the really highly competitive team) will also be competing just as a warm-up for their first official meet. We've got a level 6 who has an amazing amount of potential...but she freaks out and doesn't finish any of her skills. I've been working with her on her bar dismount for the past couple weeks and we've made some progress, but it seems like I can't get her to take the final step and do it without my spotting her. I'm going to see if I can't get some time to work with her specifically on that tonight...if we had 30 minutes to work on it, I think we could do it.

I'm finished with my internship yesterday. I've enjoyed it quite a bit: I got the chance to teach several times and got to work with a pretty good teacher. But I am glad that it's over: my Tuesdays are now free! I plan on going to the dollar movie (50 cent day!) next week.

This weekend I'm taking a one credit hour class called "Non-verbal communication." I've heard it's pretty good...I hope it is. I'm tired of boring classes.

Oh, I got my graduation audit back last it turns out, cinema isn't on the list of gen ed classes that NSU I've got to talk to the Department Chair and get a note from him that they will accept my cinema class from RSU. Otherwise I'll have to take an intersession class during Christmas break...which I really, really don't want to do.

Yea, so pray that the chair is ok with the class.