Thursday, October 07, 2004

I wrote the following on Sunday, but was unable to post it because Blogger was having all sorts of trouble.


Hello there. Yes, I do think I have reached a new record. And if I actually manage to cover everything that has happened since I last updated, I'll probably break the record for blog length.

As I said in the comments to the post below, I actually do have a good excuse this time. That last post was made around the time that I started doing night shifts. I'm not sure how many weeks I did night shifts: at least six, I think. Anyway, at first it wasn't that bad. I ended up sleeping through pretty much the entire weekend, and I wasn't able to get anything done, but at least I was staying awake and getting things done at work. I thought it would probably take a few weeks to adjust and then I'd be fine. A few weeks into it Mom and Dad (esp. Dad) starting really pushing me to look for another job, saying that the night shift was obviously not good for me. I made a few attempts at finding another job, but didn't spend much time at it: I figured there was no rush. About another two weeks though and I began to notice that I simply couldn't seem to function like I should. I was sleeping ten (or more!) hours a day and still had no energy. And because I spent so much time sleeping, I had no time for job hunting. Some evenings I would get on job sites and find some that looked good, but I never had the time to go apply. Anyway, I left a note for Debra (the manager) that I would need to have the night off Oct. the 9th, because I was going to Lawton for a karate tournament. I left it THREE WEEKS in advance. Well, Wednesday morning she comes in tells me that a. I can't have it off and b. she has now put me on permenant Sunday. I told her when I first started working that I would work the occasional Sunday when she simply couldn't get somebody else to work it, but I didn't want it to be part of my regular schedule. And then she said she was going to put me on Sunday. So I was driving home, wondering what to do, when I drove right by the place where Tamera (a co-worker of mine) had fallen asleep at the wheel and died. That was kinda the last straw. I worked one more night shift and then called her Thursday morning and gave my two weeks notice.

And here's the part that I find strange. We were underhanded at the time: each of the full time people had 40 hours a week and Debra was already doing three shifts herself simply because nobody else could do them without going into overtime (something the owner strongly dislikes). So I knew that she would need me until she got somebody else hired and trained. Yet she very quickly told me that I didn't need to come back: she already had somebody lined out. I find that very odd. Because either she was lieing through her teeth, or she was planning on firing me. I don't know which is true, but I'm glad to be out of there.

So I've been unemployed for a little over a week now. I've spent most of the days since then job-hunting in Tulsa. I've had two job offers so far. Tuesday I was offered a job at a fabric warehouse. I'd put out a lot of other applications and this one was kinda far away, so I said I'd rather wait until next Monday before I accepted. I expected them to agree...they didn't. So I didn't get it. I've had another one that I have to decide about by Monday: I don't think I'm going to take it either: it's about a 50 minute drive both aways and it would be through peek traffic both ways. I'm not sure that $7/hr is worth that.

Anyway, enough about job hunting. Yesterday Dad took us to the dollar theater to watch I, Robot. It was a blast. I love that movie. Some of my fav. quotes:
"Spoon, she just shot at you with her eyes closed!"
"Quit swearing, and go home!"
"Better be the last 'nothing.'"
"This is my face, it's not a look!"
"Sonny! Calvin's fine: save me!"
"Are you being funny?" "I guess not"
"You are the DUMBEST smart person I know!"
"How would cats do this to me?"
AUU-CHEW! "Sorry, I'm allegic to B. S."

Then we went to the Philbrook Art Museum. That was fun, although I'd already seen most of the stuff and it was kinda nerve wracking to have all the little guys running around. "Caleb, stay away from that 500 year old painting!"

This Saturday Anna, Ethan, Joshua and I will be going to Lawton for a karate tournament. I'm really excited about it. I really think I've improved my kata a good deal and hope to place. Also, it helps that it's a rather small tournament: better chance of winning! :) We're driving down on Friday night with a brown belt from a dojo in Owasso and staying at his dad's house that night. Then we'll drive back on Saturday night.

I wish I could write more, but I've got to plan out where I'm going tomorrow on my job hunt. Talk to y'all later! God bless!


I do have a job now, as a tele-marketer. Yep, I going to be one of those hated people.