Friday, August 09, 2002

I am a rock....I'm just sitting here...calm...peaceful...tranquil. What? What's this? It's movement...vibrations! Stop the vibrations! They cut through me, like a knife!

I must destroy the thing that is causing the vibrations!!

Alright, sorry, sorry. Can you tell I've been watching some of the deleted scenes from Galaxy Quest? I found that whole thing to be very funny. If you don't know what I'm talking about, get the Galaxy Quest DVD and watch it: it's blast.

Anyway, I'm sitting here in front of the computer desk, and I'm not actually that upset by vibrations. Mom, Dad and BonnieJean are at a party some friends from church are holding and I've just finished getting the little guys to bed and am waiting for them to return home.

Not much all that interesting happened today, so I will tell you about yesterday instead. At about four o'clock BonnieJean and I left the house to run errand and go pick up Dad at the airport. His flight didn't actually arrive until 8:15, but we had to stop by the magic store that booked that show I was telling y'all about a few weeks ago and pick up my money (fun fun!) and they closed at six. And we had to stop by the library and didn't know what time they closed, so we just gave ourselves plenty of time to spare! Anyway, everything went fine until we decided to stop somewhere and get some fries and pop. So we head out in the general direction off the airport, planning on finding a Burger King or some such thing and stopping there. Well, in talking we ended up missing the signs for the airport and found ourselves in another town! So we stopped and ate there and then headed back toward Tulsa. Or thought we did. I swear, it looked like an entrance ramp! Only it lead to a dead end. And by now it's like 8:05. So we have to turn around and get on the highway the correct way this time and finally reach the airport (only five minutes late!). Anyway, Dad was there and everything turned out fine.

Man, that story sounds so much better when I tell it out loud than when I have to write it out. Oh well. Speaking of writing, I haven't been doing much of that lately, even though I need to. But I have worked some on the Timothian language, which has been fun. My only problem is the whatever you call them at the beginning and ends of words. So gaz is build. What about building? Built? Builder? I need to come up with some rules for those sorts of things. I guess I'll have to talk to Mom about it: I'm sure she would have an idea of what to do.


We watched a movie called "The Sting" this morning. Mom thought it was great, but I find it horribly boring and annoying. It was a character story: the only problem was, I hated all the characters! I couldn't care less which jerk won out in the end. Mom said she liked the mystery aspect of it, but the problem was that it was put together in such a way that you couldn't tell if it was a mystery or simply a poorly written and edited film.

I'm not sure if I've been in a bad mood all day or if everybody else has, but I've had real trouble getting along with people today. I even got really annoyed with BonnieJean, who is the person that annoys me the least. Guess it's probably me.

Why is it that you write "me" with a small m, but I with a capital?

And with that tough question I shall leave you.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Hello, hello, hello! Things are pretty nuts right now. Isaac is screaming his head off and everybody else is getting ready to go swimming.

Today has been somewhat interesting. I slept really late this morning because we stayed up way to late watching the movie Rocky....dumb movie. The first hour was highly boring and I hated all the characters (yes, all of them). Then at about 1 o'clock everybody except Mom left the house, 'cause she had some stuff with filing she needed to do and didn't want to be interupted. So we had lunch out and ran some errand and came home and now the other kids are swimming.

Let's see...I've been looking into some various film schools. The New York Film Acadamy and the LA Film School both sound good.