Friday, May 31, 2002

I am tired. Very tired. I think I'm fighting getting sick too. Last night I stayed up until 12:30 working on the van, which wasn't fun, but


Yes, yes, yes! Dad drove it to work today,and as far as I know it hasn't caused any problems yet. So Mom will have a car when we go to Knoxville (we're leaving Monday! Ahh,so soon!).

Our library is having a writing contest and I'm trying to write a play to enter. It's interesting. It's a comedy about a couple actors and a playwrite. One is very high strung (like my brother Isaac), the other, dude, he's know...dude. And the playwrite is an emotionall unstable "artsty" person. Maybe I'll post it when I'm done.

Math is driving me nuts. Two days ago I tried doing and simply couldn't do it. My brain just wouldn't work. Then yesterday I got 3/4 of the problems wrong. I think I'm going to die. And I've got to get off too, so good bye! God bless!

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Good afternoon...if it is a good afternoon. I'm feeling sick. I got almost no school done. I have to do my biology test on Friday and I can't even think enough to study for it. I'm amazed I can think enough to stare at the computer screen.

But, in spite of all that, I had a BLAST at my party yesterday. Tim and Amy and Amy's mom came at about 11:30 and didn't leave until 6:30! We juggled, and talked and ate (and ate and ate...) and even put on a little juggling show. It was the first time I'd seen any of their show, so I really enjoyed it. The best part was when Tim juggled Caleb (three years old). He had two balls in one hand and Caleb in the other. He almost started and then decided he should practice yet, so he got out a baby doll and juggled it, finishing with throwing the doll high, spinning around and not catching it. He then kicks the doll out of the way and declares he is ready for Caleb. Mom was freaking out. He threw the two balls up, switched Caleb from one arm to the other, caught the balls, flashed them again, switched....etc. It was really good and Caleb loved it. They also passed six clubs with Dad in the middle, which was very funny...for us anyway! I don't know if Dad liked it that much.

Then I did several of my Christian routines and probably had one of my best performances ever. I got almost every trick on the first try. I even did one routine were I was supposed to drop on the first try and ended up catching it! :)

It looks like we're not going to get to see Ep.2 until after Knoxville...that was a real bummer. But I guess we'll live. Dad actually said that once we got the van fixed that Mom could take ALL of us kids (even Caleb!) to see it! That should be a blast: I think Caleb will probably be going nuts, yelling things like "BEN JEDI!! BEN JEDI!!!!" and such.

I got my cavities filled this morning. It was actually pretty quick, I just didn't like having my mouth be totally dead for several hours afterwards. It's fine now though, so I guess I'll live. I hope I'll live...

Sunday, May 26, 2002

Hello, hello! I know, I haven't blogged in awhile. But it's not my fault this time! Don't look at me like that, honest, it's not! Caleb spilled some coke on the keyboard and killed it, so we have been without a keyboard. But this new one has got all sorts of hotkeys and such on it, so I don't mind too much. It actually came with a CD that we had to install to run it! That was nice though because we got Windows Media Player with it. Friday night we had a fun time playing the LOTR soundtrack and looking at the different visualizations they had!

The van is not working right now. As it has been for the past week almost! Dad is having a horrible time getting the fuel pump to work. I spent most of Friday (Dad has every other Friday off) working with him on it. It was miserable. I soaked my pants with gas twice, and got an awful headache. Half the time was spent under the van laying on the pavement! And to top it off, I couldn't really complain, because Dad was going through the same thing. And it had to be done, so I couldn't really ask to be let free! I managed to survive it (barely!) though.

Oh, which reminds me of what I did on Thursday night. We were trying to get a siphon to the fuel pump with a little pump that Dad had gotten at Wall-Mart. We were both under the van, Dad was pumping and I was holding the hose into the big pickle jar we were using to catch the gas in (don't worry, it didn't have any pickles in it!). Well, I got to looking at something else and didn't notice that I had ended up pointing the hose right at Dad! He gave a mighty pump and got it full in the face! He had his glasses on,and wasn't breathing in at the moment, so it wasn't too bad, but I sure felt awful about it! He took it well though and things went fine. I just hope he doesn't decide to get even one of these days and spray me! :)

BonnieJean has been working on her application for the Paralegal program alot lately. She's done 6 of the 8 essay questions. She says their pretty good question, although I think a couple are kinda dumb. "Describe how your beliefs are consistent with the statement of faith." Describe? It either is or isn't! ;) She will be taking the English CLEP in the next week or so, which she needs to have for the program (she needs a score of 55 or higher). Next week she has to write an essay for the application as well.

Let's see, my walk with God has been interesting lately. Much as I hate to admit it, I am not the most regular with my Bible reading. But in the past several weeks I've been making sure to read at least 5 chapters everyday. I'm trying to read through the Bible. It's been kinda a test of if I am willing to work on my relationship with God. Will I read my five chapters today? I would rather do my history and I've REALLY got to make sure to do my biology...but will I read it anyway? And the next day? And the next? Through Leviticus? Numbers? I've only missed one day so far though, so things are really going good. I was reading in Ex. not long ago, and something really stood out to me. After they left Egypt and went into the wilderness, the people got thirsty. So the complained, and then Mosses asked God what to do and he gave then water. And the same story with food. And later, with water. And again later. And again. And again. Several times Moses tries to make them see that they should be going to God when they have needs, yet they never do. I wonder what God would have done if they had turned to him instead of murmuring against Moses. Oh, that reminds me of something. Remember when Lot was leaving his home and the angles told him to fly to the mountains? He didn't want to, so he asked them if he could go to a small town near by. They said he could and so he did. You know what the name of that city meant? Leanness. It's interesting that God will often give us what we want when we insist on it, yet it's never as good. And guess were Lot ended up before long. The mountains. Lot makes an really interesting study. He was what we would call a carnal Christian. You can see through his life how he always ended up in trouble somehow. He was saved, sure, but he didn't let God be the Lord of his life and he paid the price for it his whole life. \

I'm really cramming so I can graduate next May. I've fallen kinda far behind and am paying for it now. I'm pretty certain I can have it all done in time though. The only thing that really worries me is math. I'm going on at a pretty good pace right now, but I don't know if I'm going to have to slow down. I hope to get two more math books done this year. I figure I should be able to get one book done in 4 months. I've got about twenty school days per month, and with two lessons a day (which I can manage without much trouble) I should get 40 lessons done a month. With about 140 lessons in a book, that should take me three and a half months. So if I make sure I get it done every day I can do it.

Don't you hate that when your writing someone and you know you've just got a million things to tell them, and not a single one of them will come out of the dark deep caverns of your mind? Their hiding back in there somewhere, but you don't dare actually go in there and look for them because there's this huge beast called Confusion and Disorder in there and it just might eat you! So you have to sit outside the cavern and wait for a thought to peek it's head out of the door and you try to grab it, and sometimes it even bites your hand. And then the sun goes down and you get tired and go to sleep and all those thoughts come and dance around you, and if you wake up you're too sleepy to grab them, and they sing songs about how stupid you are. I just hate that.

Saturday morning we got some chickens! Some friends of ours were getting rid of some of theirs, so we took them. We have 13: a roster and 12 hens. We're hoping that the foxes don't get them: there are alot around here. We will be getting the chicken coop as soon as we can get the van working, so we can get it out of the driveway into the back yard!

Church was pretty good today. I'm not going to the College and Career Sunday school class anymore. They didn't want anybody who hadn't graduated in the class, so I went to the adult class for awhile, but their teacher is REALLY boring. He always talks about the same thing. So now I'm going to the high school boys class. I hadn't been able to get to know anybody in the adult class (it was weird, even people who would normally talk to me acted like I didn't exist while in that class), I figured I'd rather have a good teacher and no fellowship than a boring teacher and no fellowship. I'm really starting to wonder if this church is really were God wants us. I know I wouldn't mind if we left it. There's only one other guy in my class who seems even remotely interested in Spiritual things. It really is annoying. Oh well...I guess I'll just have to servive...and if I don't, oh well. Such is life (dieing? Life? But if you're dead, then your not alive...but dieing is a part of I'm really confused!)

Ok, here's an interesting question. Look at the last sentance above. It's all one sentance, but there are three inside the (). So, do I put a period after the ), or do I not because I've got that ! in there?

Christina, go ahead and post! We won't eat you....right away.

Oh, btw, let's all keep Mike in our prayers, he's heading off to WA DC today.