Saturday, August 08, 2009

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

Grappling class on Thursday was intense. Very few people showed up, so those of us that were there (all three of us!) did a lot of rounds. My legs are so sore I can barely move. We also did 9 minutes of straight ab work...anything except fetal position is painful. Wow.

Silva knocks out Griffin in the first round. Poor fellow never had much of a chance. But who does against Silva? It will be interesting to see how Henderson tries to approach him the second time.

I just finished reading Killing Mr. Griffin. It's a fun book. I think we'll probably read that and do character analysis with it...internal conflict, external conflict, changes in character, that kind of thing. It should be fun. Next week sometime we are going to read the first chapter from All Creatures Great and Small and talk about the basic structure of a story plot. I love that story, so it should be fun.

Friday I had some good conversations with some of my fellow new hires. The new librarian seems like a really neat lady, and I've enjoyed listening to the new band director talk (since I could hardly get a word in edgewise anyway!) Seriously though, he seems like a cool guy and it will be neat to see what he does with band and choir. I also had a good conversation with one of the math teachers and the home ec. teacher. I'm getting more and more pumped about the school year.

Oh! I got my class list for four out of six of my far my largest is 20 students. I love it!

In other news, Chera's car died on her and we worried for bit what this would do to her moving down, but we've got things worked out now.

Dad spent way too long in the attic today in the 101 degree weather. When he came down and I saw how bad he looked it really scared me. I talked to him later and said basically, "Dude, your 55 years old! You can't pretend this heat isn't there! Don't be an idoit!"

I've been talking with our youth pastor at church about setting up a class to help kids transition from Children's Church to big church. The idea would be to meet during service every other Sunday and go over some church basics: why do we have church meetings? What is the worship for? What is our part in worship? What is our part in the message? How do you take notes during a message? What is the greatign time for? What do you do when spiritually attacked in church (I think this happens far more often than we want to admit)? What if I disagree with the message? Our children's pastor is gone on vacation, but when she get's back I'll talk to her too...hopefully we can start something in September.

Good night!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Interesting article on Kenny Florian's background. I don't see how he can win this fight. But I'm praying he does.

The good news is, if Penn wins this time, Sanchez will beat him early next year.

Monday, August 03, 2009

July Flickr Mosaic

July Flickr Mosaic
Originally uploaded by S Bavido
This is actually a blog, but should go with the picture. So just click on the picture.