Saturday, February 18, 2006

1 o'clock in the morning...tired (but not too tired) and needing to do a couple more things before going to bed.

Have to call Mom and talk to her about my interview (see below)
Have to plan for Sunday School tomorrow (what am I going to teach?)
Have to look at some books to I'm going to be showing a teacher tomorrow (and unlock the living room door to do it...)
Brush my teeth and take a shower (putting something in parenthesis just to keep the tradition...)

Last night I talked to Dr. Ford at RSU about being in the RSU Honors program. It covers all tuition, books and fees as well as giving you $500 a year. Not bad at all. It seemed to go well...he didn't actually say I was in, but he did talk about needing to have some papers signed and maybe needing to fax me some stuff...which he probably wouldn't need if I wasn't going to be accepted...right? I sure hope so at any rate.

Yesterday I had my first lesson with Jean. Jean is Ebony and Tony's mom. Ebony and Tony are my students and they go to church pretty often. Plus Ginger and I teach them (and Jennifer's two girls) on Friday (which is a hoot). At any rate, a few weeks ago Jean suggested that she and I do a Chinese/English exchange. She had a lot of stuff prepared for me on Friday and it looks like she'll be keeping me busy with a fair amount of home work. But that's not a bad thing.

Ok, now it's 3 in the morning...but I have called home and lesson planned for Sunday school in the mean time (actually brainstormed with the family for Sunday school).

This week I had my first conversation in Chinese on MSN. That's really cool. I'm at about 400 characters right now. I'd kinda like to hit 1000 by the end of the semester, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that.

I've been trying to set up a Chinese/English exchange for Monday afternoons for almost a month now. There's a girl who supposedly wanted to do it, but in spite of my repeated attempts to meet up with her, nothing has worked out. I'm starting to think she doesn't actually want to do it that bad. So tomorrow I'm going to be calling one of my friends at the college and see if she wants to do something. If I can work that out then I'll be having three Chinese classes a week.

Did I mention that I've been getting together with a guy who's done boxing and we've been sparring together? I think it's kept me from going insane: I was really starting to go crazy from 6 months away from karate. He's a pretty good fighter...but we're actually pretty evenly matched. As I expected, it's pretty tough to punch his head, but I was supprised at how easy it is to kick his head. Usually a one, two, roundhouse combination works.

It's funny how you sometimes start acting like the guy you're fighting. After a few weeks of sparring, I noticed that he was standing lower and more side ways than before, while his hands were out further. And then I realized that I had actually come up a little higher in my stance and was holding my hands closer to my head.

Ok, I'm going to take a shower. Good night.