Sunday, May 30, 2004

My goodness, it's been a while since I updated. I've actually been wanting to update for a week, but have been so busy that I simply didn't have the time. But I do have some big news: I is a graduate!

Ok, ok, not actually yet. I still have one thing left to do: I have to recite Matt. 7 to Dad. But I've got it memorized and so it's only kinda a technicality that I haven't I'm hoping to graduate this afternoon.

And I STILL don't have a job! I was trying to get a hold of a lady on Friday about a job I want, but she was already gone for the weekend. I'm going to be calling her again early Tuesday morning. Please pray that I get this job.

May 23rd was the last day of our winter classes at Gym. Now we have a three week break and then we start the summer camps. I love summer camps. During a normal class I only have about twenty minutes per rotation to teach the kids. And for most of the events we only get to do them every other week. So they get only twenty minutes on bar (for example) every two weeks. So sure they learn some stuff, but not really that much. During summer camps I have a full 45 minutes for each event, four days in a row! It's a blast. You really get a chance to work on things, improve old skills and learn new ones. In fact, if I had my way, we'd do nothing but camps all year long.

Sunday we had our ATI family coordinator and her sister for dinner. And since she wanted to meet some of the other ATI families from around here, we invited the H. family to come too. It was a blast. The H.'s are a blast. So we had a real good time.

Last Monday was the "fight night" at karate to raise money for a mission trip. It was a blast. First we did line sparring (which I love, 'cause you get to fight so many people, most of which you don't have a chance to fight very often) and then we broke off by belt rank and age and fought for "king of the ring". I fought about three fights and tied for king with a purple belt from another dojo. I did fight him, but it was a very even match and the black belt at our ring declared it a tie after a few minutes. So that was cool. Then we headed over to the brown belt ring to challenge their top two fighters. The purple belt fought a guy from another dojo and lost. Then I fought Alicia and lost (4 to 5...I was so close!) After that we all sat down and watched as various people fought. I got a chance to fight Christina G., who is the only black belt from our dojo that I hadn't had a chance to fight yet. And here's the really cool news: I beat her! Yea! After we bowed out I got another chance to fight Alicia and did pretty good. It was a more relaxed fight without judges or anything, but I do think I may have made more points than she did.

Dad and another guy from church have decided to take the College and Career Sunday school class. Next week is promotion Sunday. I'll miss being in the youth class, but it will be cool to have Dad for a teacher too.

Oh, something cool happened at karate two weeks ago. After class some of the black belts were playing around with boards, doing some various "trick breaks", as they call them. I was standing to the side, watching them, when Mr. G. held out a board and asked me if I wanted to break it. So I tried an unsupported rising elbow (the same break I posted pictures of a while ago). Well, the first time I hit it with my entire fore-arm, instead of my elbow and sent it flying, but still intact, across the room. I picked it up again real fast and tried again, this time hitting it exactly in the middle with my elbow. It was the best I've ever done with that break: the board broke in two and landed on either side of me, rather than flying across the room in two pieces. But the very coolest part was that Mr. G. told me he had never seen that break before and that he was impressed! Now, Mr. G is himself a very good breaker and to impress him is, well, impressive! So I am very happy with myself.