Friday, November 12, 2004

Why, hello there! How are you on this fine, cold and....ok, not so fine day? I'm doing pretty good. I've had a frog in my throat for over a week now and it's starting to drive me nuts. Other than that I'm doing pretty good.

Except for the fact that I spent $400 yesterday. I bought a brand new MiniDV camcorder. Very cool. But it really hurts to hand over that much money. It's a wonderful camera though. I'm very happy with it.

And of course the reason I bought it is that I have decided that I am going to Taiwan! WOW! I can't really beleive it. But yes, I will be leaving in Jan. for six months. There is a very good chance I'll be on Kinmen with BonnieJean.

Now I've been going nuts trying to think of everything to get ready. Tuesday I started the process of getting my passport ($95!!!!!!!!! $55 to the state department, $30 to our country court clerk and $10 to get the picture taken....ouch!!!!!) I also need to see about finding a couple very big suitcases.

We had a blast with Chera. I just wish she could have stayed longer. We went paint balling last Saturday. That was really fun. It was Joshua's first time to paint ball.

Last Saturday was also the first meet for our REC team at gymnastics. We hosted it here at our gym, which was nice, 'cause then our students weren't in a strange place for their first meet of the year. I coached bar the whole time. It was pretty fun. I had some trouble with wanting to spot the level 1's a little bit too much: I'm just so used to spotting them through everything. But on the whole I thought I did pretty well. Which is good. Because not only was this the first meet for many of the students, it was actually my first meet as well!

Dad and Ethan are out working on one of the cars right now. Some sort of electrical problem. The Honda is also having trouble...all of the dashboard sensors have gone haywire. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my car while I'm gone. I don't want it to set and rot. Dad won't be driving it enough to want to pay to insure it and I don't want to insure it. I don't want to sell it 'cause I'll need a car when I get home. I really am not sure what to do with it. Any thoughts?

Well I just won an auction on Ebay for a 128 MB SD memory card for my camera. For another $10 I probably could have gotten a 256...but 128 can store about 200 pictures anyway...why pay more?

Let's see...oh, Anna, Ethan and I will be testing for purple belt in three weeks. I'm feeling pretty good about it, just not certain about my wheel kick (it's very difficult...I can manage to throw it, but not with enough power to really do any damage).

I must say I was really supprised when Kerry conceded so early. Of course it was not nearly as close as in FL in 2000, but it still was close. Coburn won! YES!!!!! OH JOY! And Tad Jones a landslide. So much for all that out of state money! *sticks out tongue are Harvey Swift*