Thursday, January 27, 2005

Good heaven's. I hate these strait keyboards!

Hello there. I'm in Nantou right now and we just got back from teaching at Ingpan. Today was my first day of was...interesting. The first small group started out very poorly. I was supposed to tell the Christmas story. Everybody had told me that it was best to use some of the kids and act it out. Ha! Not when you get a Mary who refuses to move or even look at you, a Joseph who freaks out when he learns he's Mary's husband or a sheppard that turns into a sheep and starts "baa-ing" at the top of this voice! I fought my way through the shepards telling the good news and then cut it short there. So much for the wisemen, because by now half of the class wasn't even looking at me and I couldn't get their attention.

So then I came up with a game on the spot. We split the class into two teams. I was the leader for one and my translator for the other. I would pull out an Uno card and then the first team to think of that many English words would win (like if I pulled a 7, the first team with 7 english words won). that was a huge hit. A couple of the kids woulnd't join in, but otherwise everybody loved it.

Then in the second small group time I talked about my family and then about family Christmas tradition. It went pretty good.

Goodness, there is so much to tell, I don't know where to start and my wrists are starting to hurt from this keyboard. I'll write one more thing. We were outside playing a game when I yellow truck drove by, playing music loudly. I couldn't tell why, so I asked my TA (teacher assistant) what it was. I was expecting it to be something deeply important, a big part of Taiwanese culture. Maybe it's Budist monks on a pilgramage. Or maybe an offering to the dead. So what huge thing of importance did I learn?

It was a trash truck. And the music was to tell people to put their trash out. lol