Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hi there. I love DSL. I downloaded some awesome clips from a sabaki (sp?) type fighting video: there were some really good fights. I've also been reading a little bit of stuff written by Mas Oyama (founder of my style of karate). Good heavens, talk about a big head! He was great, and he knew it, and he didn't mind telling other people about it! One thing that was very interesting was him talking about tightening your pinky while punching. I've never focused on that before. I've done a little bit of punching since I read that, but not enough to really get an idea of what he was talking about.

I know there's a ton of stuff to write about, yet for some reason I can't seem to think of anything. I start Jr. High on Monday. I'll be doing the school on small Kinmen on Tuesday and then Monday, Wednesday and Thrusday will all be here at this school. That's really cool. I will be the only person from our team doing Jr. High on small Kinmen.

I think I will go to Lucy's tomorrow. Lucy is a hair stylist who has kinda a "waiting room" in the back of her shop that is a really good place to sit and work on your Chinese. And Lucy and her assistant Show-way are both really cool.

Tomorrow BonnieJean, Andrew and Megan will all be going to Hong Kong, so they can get their visas renewed. No fair! I really wish I could go: it will probably be a while before I'm this close to Hong Kong again!

But I am saving up for a trip to Taipei later this year. Shawn and I might go together. When I flew over here I did land in Taipei, but from there we drove directly to Nantou and I didn't get to see anything. In Nantou I did get to go to a night market...but there was no night market there that night! The only thing that was there was a guy selling strawberry candies.

I stayed up really late last night visiting with Shawn and getting some games ready for today's class. Then it turned out that we didn't need the games. That's always annoying.

Shawn and I went walking down the beach the other day and found some really, really cool abandoned bunkers. I'm going to take some pictures and video of them sometime soon and post the pictures on here.

The other day I went down to the beach and found a crab. I am such a land-luber. I was so excited by finding a live crab, I called BonnieJean on her cell phone and told her all about it. Hey, it was the first time I'd ever seen a crab in the wild, so give me a break!

Shawn is standing next to me right now, using our excuse for a trash can (a bag from the bakery down the street) trying to sharpen a pencil with his pocketknife. He's muttering "Come on, where's the lead? Show me the lead."

BonnieJean and Ginger and I went out to the beach on Tuesday night and did nunchuck and kata. I showed BonnieJean Sandan (her next text kata) and Godan and Maza Kazi (my next test katas: I have two). Then Ginger went to bed and Bonnie and I walked around the track some. That was really cool. I love being with BJ again!

Ok, I just went to borrow a CD from BJ and ended up spending like half an hour talking to her.

James, the fellow the goverment has assigned to take care of us, is SOOOO cool! I'll have to post more about him later. Bye for now!