Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hey there! It's been a long time since I updated...a long time! I'll see if I can make this one interesting in order to make up for it.

Today I had no class. Today and tomorrow all my students are having their monthly test, so they didn't need me. So instead I went with Rebekah to her schools. That was fun. In the morning we went to a small school with only six classes (four of which have English class). The 4th and 5th grades where cool, but I really loved the 6th and 3rd grades. Now, I have nothing against third grade. I just don't think I would want to to teach it. But this is the first third grade class I've met that I think I would actually enjoy teaching. They were awesome! 6th grade was really cool: if I do teach elem. next year, I think I'm going to ask to have as many 5th and 6th grades as possible. I also got some really cool pictures...maybe I can post some of them.

The goverment gave us a computer for our room. Shawn of course has his laptop, so I get this computer all to myself! The only problem is that it's in Chinese! So we've got Windows XP ordered and we'll be installing that soon. The graphics card was only 32 MB, so I bought a new one for it...and if you're going to buy one, why not go all the way? So I am now the proud owner of a 256 MB card! Wee!

Hey, I know it's possible to parition a drive and run Windows on one and Linix on the it possible to have two versions of Windows on a computer? I'd kinda like to keep the Chinese on here and I don't want the hassle of formating the drive. Anybody know about that?

Tomorrow some of us are taking a friends car and driving around the island a for the afternoon. I'm not sure yet if I'm going or not...depends on if BJ decideds to go. If she stays, I'll go (no, not becaus I don't want to be with her! There's only one more seat open in the car and since BJ is going home in a few months and I'm staying another year, I figure she should get to go if she wants).

King Car has told us that we will not be allowed to go home over the winter holliday. I'm pretty upset over that. It's by no means set in stone yet (nothing with King Car ever is) but I tried talking to Sandy about it and it was like running into a brick wall. Pray about that please.

Last Friday I just about got my nose broke. We were down stairs sparring and Ginger walked by...she has just been playing volleyball and so was wearing shoes and pants. I threw a couple punches at her...she turned around and came back at me full force, landing a beautiful backleg round house right on the bridge of my nose. We all heard a very loud *CRACK* and tears came to my eyes. BJ and Ginger (who was freaking out) both said my nose was crocked. Not just a little, but quiet a bit. So ran up to the bathroom and pushed it back straight (ouch!!!) Monday Pastor Samuel took me to the hospital and we had it X-rayed. Turns out the bone isn't broken, but the cartilidge was probably ripped loose. It was pretty swollen and tender for several days. Now it's just tender. I guess it's cool that it's not broken...but if I have to go through all the pain and bother, I'd kinda like to at least be able to brag that I've had my nose broke in a fight...

Speaking of fighting, I've got a couple 8th graders on Small Kinmen that have decided they want to sleep through my class. Last Tuesday one of them wouldn't pay I took his chair away. He wasn't so happy about that. Oh well. The class is still really cool.

I have to go to bed's two o'clock. Here's some good bumer stickers and a quiz I took (thank you Christine! Good job!)

Do unto others before they do unto you.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
Do I look like a freakin' People Person?
Don't play stupid with me... I'm better at it!
Driver carries less than $20 IN AMMUNITION
F U Cn Rd Ths U Cnt Spl Wrth A Dm!
Forget about World Peace...Visualize Using Your Turn Signal!
Front bumper -Run, Hilary, Run!
Go On, I will See You At The Next Light.
Have you slapped an environmentalist today?
HONK IF YOU LOVE GORE (use the button on your steering wheel)

You scored as Samuel. Your very comfortable with who you are. You don't mind wearing pink tie-die. Your very straight forward with what you want to tell people, and you almost always mean what you say.



















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