Sunday, June 26, 2005

Good heavens. It's been forever since I updated. I've actually been wanting to update for quite some time, but our internet has been totally down for almost a week now. Even our network is down (which means me and Shawn can't play CS together! How horrible!)

At any rate, Thursday was my last day of teaching this semester. Now it's on to camps and then home. I'm really, majorly bumbed about the semester being over, because we have now been told that we will not have Jr. high next semester. I am going to miss my kids so much. Each class has become so special to me. Two of the classes gave me a huge bunch of beautiful flowers. Another class gave me gifts as well. Next Thursday I'm going to be taking sticky pictures with my "daughter" and some of her classmates.

Oh yea, my "daughter". She's an 8th grader who started calling me "Ba ba!" a few months ago. So I started yelling back "New er, gamma?" (Daughter, what do you want?) in a very annoyed voice. She and a few of her classmates have become my good buddies.

In fact, maybe I'll try and post something about each class.

707. Really interesting class. This was Big Angel's class, until she moved to Taiwan. There's an interesing boy who sits in the back left (or right, depending on the day) that's a friend of Lucas. He comes to chuch sometimes.

806. AHHHH!!!!!!!! This is the only class that I do not like to teach. I actually like a lot of the kids in the class, but teaching it can be really tough. You try teaching with four kids yelling obscene things in Taiwanese at you while the teacher literally roves the aisles hitting students with a broom stick. The general English level is pretty low in this class, but Micheal and Peter have REALLY good english.

902. Really cool class. I teach this one with Susanann, who is really cool. There's one boy in this class who had an attitude problem. He was not going to enjoy the class, no matter what we were doing, or how fun it was. Sometimes I would make a joke and he would start to laugh, but then remember that he couldn't have any fun in class, so he would go back to frowning. So I talked to him (through the teacher) after class. I told him that I could tell he was trying really hard to be miserible. I told him he was being really silly to work so hard at not having fun while the rest of the class was enjoying themselves. The interesting thing was that after that he didn't have such a bad attitude after that.

801. Wow. Super awesome class. They have the best english scores in the school. Their teacher, Mr. Choung, is super awesome. Jason, Una and Lucy and three of my favorites in the class. Una and Lucy always steal my stuff after class. One day I came into class and found them playing cards: with my cards that they had stolen the week before! I love this class.

706. Probably the class with the lowest English level that I teach in big Kinmen. But they are super awesome. There's a special needs kid in the class and I just found out a few days ago that he won't ever speak English when I'm not there...but he always does a lot when I'm there. Nicole is in this class: she always tries to teach me how to say stuff really fast in Chinese after class. Actually she's a pretty good teacher.


My favorite day! Small Kinmen! ???!

802. Rather difficult class. Two or three boys who have very bad attitudes and fight with me almost every week. Abbey is in this class. She has the best English of any of the Small Kinmen 8th graders. She's really sweet. I'm going to miss her alot.

702. My hat girl is in this class. She always wears a hat. Turns out she actually has some sort of scar or something on her head, but I can always tell who she is when I see her in a crowd, because of her hat. Very cool class, but they are really quite. They like it when I just pick people at random: they don't like volunteering. It's a very Asian thing.

902. Wow. The coolest class ever, with the coolest teacher ever. Linda, Summer, Vicky, John, Ivy and my Sleeping Boy are all in this class. The English level is really good. Linda is the girl who Dad and I went with on family treatment. Really cool girl, really good English. John is the class leader and a hoot. Ivy is totally nuts. Summer is really sweet and one of my favorites. Sleeping Boy is never awake in class. I fight with him every class. He doesn't have a bad attitude or try to give trouble: he simply won't stay awake. And of course I teach with Selena, who is awesome.

901. Cool class, although too quite. Vincent is in this class. At first I don't think he liked me, but in the past couple weeks he's warmed up to me. Really good English. Also Eddy. Not so good English, but he's cool.

801. Super awesome. Very low English, but really good attitude. My head butting girl is in this class. Every time she sees me she motions for me to lean over. Then she head butts me in the forehead. Then she rubs her head and says "how tong!" (ouch!)

701. I love this class. Peggy, Lilly and Victor are in the class. All really good English. This class will talk more than 702.


805. Amazing class. Dorm John, June, Luke, my daughter, Jason, my huge number of amazing kids. There's one new boy who just joined the class a few months ago. Every time I see him I yell "Whoa bee ne swi!" (I'm more handsome than you!) He always yells back something about how I shouldn't pretend ("My gay!").

809. Dorm Bill's class. Bill is really quite in class, but he's my special bud. Also Shoiw Cu-eye's class (small called because she's my smallest student..i think I posted a picture of her before).

905. Wow. We all about died when we found out who was in this class. Jerry (the try to break BJ's hand Jerry) Allen, Pink Pig, Joe...some of the worst behaved kids in the school. But actually I really enjoyed this class, after the first month or two. The teacher has very poor English, which made it tough. This class gave me a really cool card at the end...I just about cried reading it. Their home room teacher has very good English (better than the English teacher's...) and I really enjoyed visiting with her.


807. Really high English level. I can always be sure to get an update on everybody's love life in this class..."He loves her! And she loves him!" This class is very competative and their always telling me that 801 is not good and that Michael is not good. Monkey is in this class. He's a hoot. Very good English. His parents own a be-in dong (boxed meal) place that we go to real often...great food for an amazingly low price.

710. One of my very cooles classes. While not all of them are good students, I don't have a single trouble maker in the class. Jimmy and Lucky have really good English in this class. Mandy (my dancing girl) and dorm Gilly are in this class.

910. My most crazy class. Totally insane. The teacher has very poor English: lots of the student can translate better than her. Some really sweet kids are in the class. There's also a boy who renamed himself "Juggle" after I started teaching his class!

907. Also very crazy, but in a cooler, more quiet way. Dorm Jason is in this class. Pretty good English. One time when I brought a monster mask to class, one of the girls put it on and went into the teachers office...that was really fun.

Ok, I have to stop now. I'm too tired to write any more. And my spelling is really bad tonight. And I want to play CS with Shawn and Terry (we're at an internet cafe). Expect an explanation of the previous post soon.