Tuesday, November 08, 2005

You Are Romans
You are Romans.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

So...I am Romans. Interesting.

Ok, I totally don't get Kiwi. Would somebody please tell me what a Japanese horror movie with Chinese subtittles has to do with English class? Yes, I know it's the week after mid-terms and it's ok to maybe do something a little funner (is that a word?) and less serious...but a Japanese horror movie for English class? Please! I try to bring some control to the class room at times (in spite of his total lack of effort in that direction) but sometimes when the kids are going wild I have a hard time telling them they should pay attention to the teacher...why should they? He's not teaching them anything anyway!

I am now at over 170 character that I can both read and write. Also, today I found a person who might possible be able to help me with the writing side of things...she went though some of my writing and corrected some mistakes I'd made. Hopefully she'll be willing to do that every once in a while and make sure I'm doing it right. I used to ask James to help me, but he's gone now and Terry has horrible handwriting. And Joy doesn't really correct our home work...she just glances over it and makes sure it's generally acceptible. But I'm needing somebody to really make sure I'm doing it right.

Dude, pray for Claudia, a teacher I work with. She's been asking me questions about Christianity for a while now and last Sunday she came to Bible study. Now she's reading the Bible on her own and has been asking me some questions about that...and of course really cool things can happen when people start reading the Bible. So pray for her!

Tomorrow is Ning Jung Shiow...oh boy. I'm always on pins and needles when teaching the sixth grade there. I think I've got the boys on my side and for right now the girls as well...but I get the feeling that the girls still haven't made up their minds about me yet. And I'd actually rather have the boys in a class (esp a 6th grade!) turn against me than the girls. If the boys are against you then you can still do alright. But if the girls turn on might as well pack up your stuff and head a back to the teachers office...don't even try teaching them. Hopefully in the next few weeks they will decide they like me for sure...tomorrow I'm playing a game involving candy, so hopefully that will help.

The good thing is that I've got the 5th grade totally on my side. There's a couple pretty perverted kids in that class, but also some really cool kids.

But I feel real sorry for the kids...their English teacher isn't all that good. Her English is rather low level and she doesn't teach that well either. One time I was watching a girl write out her home work...she was writing a sentance over and over...then she turns to me and says "Low si shu ma ee si?" ("Teacher, what does this mean?") The teacher had given them sentances to write without even telling them what the words annoying.

Hey, Thursday I've only got to teach two classes! All my 4th graders are going on a field I finish class at about 10 o'clock! Wee!