Friday, December 16, 2005

Random thoughts from Samuel:

---I love S H E. It's music you can just turn on the play in the background if you want, or you can turn it up and listen closely and actually understand a lot (they sing very clearly...unlike people like Jay).

---Every time I talk to Jeniffer she says that Jean keeps telling her that she wants me to come over to her house...but Jean hasn't yet. Sunday she said something to me about wanting to have me and John and Erica over...that would be really fun. I hope she actually does it.

---There's a possiblity I will be helping to spot some with the gymnastics team at Ging Who (??). That would be really, really fun...if I get to work with the lower level students. The coach for the higher level students is a jerk.

---I hate how people in today's society act as though lust is the same thing as love. One of the guys from Brokenback Mountain said ""When two people love each other, they love each other. And people should hold on to it as hard as they can, whether it's homosexual or heterosexual..." YUCK! Whatever happened to real man to man love, like the kind Johnathan and David had?

---I helped Megan with her Jr. high class this morning...that was really fun. BJ, the "Bee ni sweye!" guy is in her class...I really like that kid. He's a hoot.

---There were a couple basketball games this afternoon here at the Jr. high. One was the Chung Gong (sp?)(??) guys against the Small Kinmen guys...and the poor Small Kinmen guys got killed...19 to 64. Ouch. Then the Chung Gong girls played the Ging Who (??) girls. Man oh man, was that a tense game. Neither team is actually that good, but they were pretty evenly matched Chung Gong won by one point....39 to 40.

---I went to the Technical high school last Friday...what a hoot! Saw a bunch of my students (including ???(Big Handsome), who I thought had left was good to see him again). I'm really looking forward to going back.

---I seriously, seriously an missing karate. I've got the phone number for a boxer who lives here in Kinmen and I'm going to try and get together with him and fight a little bit...I'm about to go nuts from not fighting.

---Speaking of karate, I called Larry the other day and talked to him for a while...that was really good to get to talk to him. Larry, I miss you!

---While people are watching a basketball game is a great time to walk up behind them and lightly kick the back of their knee...that's really fun. (What? No! How dare you even think I might have done some of that this afternoon?)

---We're holding a Christmas party for the dorm kids tonight. I'm in charge of the treasure hunt. I actually need to get that ready sometime soon...

---Naomi, the picture you sent me is beautiful. Thank you so much.

---Anna, I loved the card and you note was really cool.

---I was talking to Anna and then Mom on the phone the other day and I was thinking "Man, am I glad that my Mom and sisters have a head on their shoulders. I hate stupid girls." I've got the coolest Mom and sisters in the whole world.

---Speaking of Mom, she should be coming to visit me next semester! WEE!!!!!!!!!!

---I can't wait to go back to Taiwan over new years and visit the Show Stzeye kids!

---And now I really need to figure out what I'm doing for the treasure hunt tonight. Talk to you guys later! And BJ, if you don't do something sometime soon to make your presence online know, we will be forced to conduct a funeral!