Tuesday, January 17, 2006

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What you see above is my end of semester project for Chinese class. Rather than take a test, Joy let us write a one page, hand written essay in Chinese. At first I was very scared by the idea, but when I sat down to actually write it, I was very happy to find out that I knew how to write all the characters I needed except for about 12. That was really cool. So I took it up to church and had Sarah and Kuyu and Lin help me get it translated. Then I took it to Jennifer (a cram school teacher friend of ours) and had her correct it. Several things got changed, but actually I was really happy with how close to correct I had been when I first wrote it.

Below I have coppied the essay from the copy I have in my computer. BTW, those of you without asain laungage support installed on your computer, can you see these characters?

我的姊姊是全世界最好的姊姊! 每一個人都很嫉妒 我有 這麼棒的姊姊.

我的姊姊很會教書. 她的學生都很愛她 . 我記得她最後一次教9 年3 班的時後 每一個女生都跟她擁抱之後才肯離開.

我的姊姊很會空手道. 有一天一個壞 學生抓住她的手然後試著折斷她的手. 她只不過打那個學生的手一下, 他十分鐘之內都不能寫字!

現在我真的很想她. 姊姊, 妳可以再來這裡嗎?