Sunday, March 19, 2006

Wearing: My falling apart dress shoes (really need to buy a new pair, but it's so much easier to just not do it...), the pants I bought at hang 10 on Christmas, a polo shirt that I first bought when I went to work at Microtel, my hunter orange jacket (the one I left in Nantou after winter camps and Daniel brought it to Thailand to give to me...) the watch I bought at the night market in Taipie and the green braclet that a student gave me at the end of last school year (and which I haven't taken off since then).

Currently reading: A 1st elem. chinese textbook for Chinese class. I tried reading an English book the other day but found I simply don't have time to do it.

Listening to: DC talk. I felt like some Christian music instead of Chinese tonight.

Last movie watched: part of Uptown Girls that the kids were watching downstairs. Or maybe it was part of Treasure Planet in Chinese. I can't remember. Also saw part of a Korean horrow movie the other day...that was really strange. But I've found that watching Japanese or Korean movies is really good for my character reading: if I want to even guess at what they are saying then I have to read the characters, 'cause I can't understand what they are saying.

Number of windows open on computer: 7. 2 Conquers windows (an online RPG game...I'm letting my character sit in the training grounds and slowly level up during the night). 2 MSN chats with directions for what I'm supposed to teach tomorrow morning. Anna's blog. This window and Windows Media player (music).

Feeling: buttery. I just ate a bag of popcorn, but a lot of the kernals didn't pop (our microwave has issues) so I had about twice the amount of butter on teach peice of popcorn. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm going to run to the fridge and get a drink to help wash all that butter down.

Random thoughts: Bible study went really good today. I wonder what is going on with Susan: she's been in a really upsetible mood lately. I love my Monday 3rd grade. Lin looks kinda strange with his new hair do. For all my show of being blunt, I actually find myself not saying things that I should be saying at times because I'm too afraid of looking rude. I need to visit Lucy tomorrow. I wish Coral would reply to my text message. I'm going to juggle for two of Megan's classes tomorrow: that should be fun. I think my Monday school is iligally teaching English to their 2nd grade. Few things are more fun and more relaxing than going to Sandy's house and watching a movie with Jean, Jennifer, Ginger and assorted kids. I wonder if King car would buy this program for me. It's really useful. Why does the Chinese word for secretary (幹事) look like it means "f-ing situation"? I love visiting the technical high school. I absolutly love the kids in my Wednesday night class. I wish my archer was a level 70 (only 6 levels to go!) Daniel is a cool guy. And Kristen is a cool girl. I wonder what JC is up to right now. I'm going to be getting together with a fellow next Saturday to spar: my old sparring partner is now in Taiwan. I really miss Mr. Murry, Larry and Josian. Ginger came up with a really perverted sentance the other day: "I have a friend named Josiah who shot a cow with his gun" (you get that one BJ? lol) 金湖's 604 is the coolest sixth grade ever. I need some new English games. I promised myself that I would get to bed at a decent hour tonight...wonder if that will happen. I wonder anybody is still reading this paragraph. I want to call home but their probabbly at church. A friend of mine is going to Cambodia for 10 days for about US$600...once I finish working for KingCar and come back to Taiwan I should travel around Asia some. My team is the best: Andrew and Ginger are esp. cool. I'm so glad I know English and am learning Chinese and not the other way around. I think the computer screen in the living room is going on the fritz.

Ok, I'm going to bed. I shall leave conquers running all night and if I don't get punted, I should be level 65 by morning. *crosses fingers* Please don't punt me: please!

Good night people.