Thursday, April 06, 2006

Howdy there! I am posting in order to get some information that is being held ransom. Apparently something happened to the family on Sunday, but they won't tell us about it until I post. So here it goes.

MOM IS HERE! It's awesome! She's handling the cultural changes and stuff very well. The students all like her, although some of them can't seem to get that she doesn't speak Chinese and keep asking her questions and expecting her to answer them. lol

The first weeek of teaching (last week) Mom taught all the kids how to draw a face. It was very fun and they loved it. This week I've done most of the teaching and Mom has watched. Tuesday was Children's Day. Since we don't have that in the States we talked to the kids about what an Amarican birthday party is like...then we played pin the tail on the donkey.

Yesterday was Tomb Sweeping day and so we didn't have any classes. I took Mom to Small Kinmen and we went around the island with Linda and Becky (two former students of mine) and their mom (who is a taxi driver). It was a hoot (I keep saying that).

Next week we're going to Taipie. I'm getting excited about that. And of course we'll be going to 秀才 Jr. high...I can't wait to go back there!

Saturday we had family treatment with a kid from 金湖. Sunday Selena and two of her siblings took us touring...we had a great time together.

Love you guys! Bye!