Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Deep Conversations with a 5th grader

5th grade girl: "Oh my, Samuel has chest hair!" (for your information, I was wearing a polo shirt and the top two buttons were undone...I was not walking around school without a shirt on) "Chest hair is disgusting."

Me: "No, it's really handsome!"

5th grade girl: "I think it's disgusting. But lots of girls think it's really manly."

Another 5th grade girl: "Why do foreigners have so much chest hair anyway?"

5th grade girl: "It's 'cause they're more closely related to monkeys."

Me: "We didn't come from monkeys!"

5th grade girl: "Yes we do!"

Me: "You really think we came from monkeys?"

5th grade girl: "If not, then where did we come from? What, did God create it all?"

Me: "Of course!"

5th grade girl: "Well, if God created it all, then what about hobbits?"