Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm leaving.

This place I love, these people I love...tomorrow I'm leaving it all. Today has been rather strange...I'll be walking down the street and suddenly it will hit me...this is probably the last time I'll walk down this street for a long time. A friend will wave at me and I'll wave back, wondering if I'll ever see that person again. I went to the candy store today to get some prizes for camp and there was Banana, one of my students from Sunday school. I bought him some candy too...who knows when I'll have the chance to do that again?

I went to church after camp today and said goodbye to Joy and Samuel and Lin and Kuyu. That was tough...really tough. Then I just went into the church and sat there for a while. I know it's just a building, but that place means a lot to me. Then I had to go say good bye to Lucy. I stayed at her place for about and hour and then had to leave. As I walked away she yelled after me "Samuel! The fog is big!" (long story...BJ will probably get it though)

I stopped by my favorite fruit stand and bought an apple on the way home and said good bye to the owner. There's so many small friendship like that that I have here that make it so hard to leave. I got to thinking about it the other day...I literally know several thousand people here on this island.

The closer I get to leaving, the greater my longing for my home back in the States becomes. I can't wait to get to the Tulsa airport and see my family. I can't wait to drink Swan's Dairy milk. I can't wait to bow into the dojo at BattleCreek.