Friday, October 27, 2006

Howdy again folks...I'm going to be posting more of those "big moments" hopefully soon...but for now a little bit of a rant. For those of you who don't understand it...just know that I'm frustrated with what I'm doing right now and really, majorly miss Kinmen.

我不想上大學. 我只想回家! 我的家人和一些超好的朋友在這裡, 但是我的心還在金門.

跟我上課的同學大部分都很無聊, 而且很幼稚喔! 我的老師六分之五教的不太好. 大部分得時候我們在學的東西沒什麼好用. 問題不是我不喜歡學東西. 問題是我現在不要學這些東西, 反我很想繼續學國語! 我在金門的時候我的腦筋一直在忙, 一直學好許多東西. 對我來說, 我正在學的東西不多. grr....

And even that doesn't really fully express what I'm feeling or why I'm frustrated. And part of it is that I'm just feeling pretty depressed right now. Please pray that I do manage to get back to Kinmen over the summer...having that to look forward to would give me a big boost right now.