Tuesday, March 20, 2007

No time for a real update, so here's an email I just sent home. I'll try and post pictures sometime later.

Keep praying for us!

Hey guys, things are going great over here! Yesterday we went to a
remote village in the middle of nowhere...David kept telling us "these
people are VERY very careful about anything that you
do!:" Once we got there (with our military escort...apparently
there's some tribal warfare going on) we had to sit in the truck for a
long time while they talked to the King about if we would be allowed
to even get out. Finally they did let us. The King was an amazing
looking man...dressed in rags that had at one time been nice clothes.
His right eye looked like a glass ball. I really wish we could have
taken pictures, but they didn't let us. We did a short, very tense
demo (we didn't know if they would be offended or put on edge by us
acting tough...ever tried doing kata on a hilly slope and only half
power?) and then handed out some food. The people were
starving...they get only about one meal a day is what we were told. A
nurse from the church came with us and was weighing the little kids to
see which ones were in the most desperate need of nutrition. We
didn't get to present the Gospel to them, but they knew that we were
from the church down the hill and David told us that we made an
amazing amount of progress with them and opened a lot of doors. He
said that they usually don't even let visitors off the trucks.

Sunday was great too. I went with Josiah and Tommy to a church in the
middle of nowhere and I gave the sermon. I had written myself a
salvation message sermon, but then found out it would all be
Christian's there, so I had to come up with something real quick the
night before. I talked about God's power and went through various
examples from the Bible...talking about God's power of nature, and his
power over the plans of men. It went real well. The church people
were wonderful very welcoming. I felt just like I was back in
Taiwan....we were only the second pale-faces to ever visit there and
they made a very big deal out of it. After lunch we hiked to a
different location for a Bible club with some village kids. We got
there about an hour early and I was really glad of all the various
ways I've learned to interact with kids without actually speaking to
them....we did lots of thumb wars and slapping games.

Sunday night was our first demo. It went amazingly well. Many people
were saved. :)

Monday night (after visiting the village I wrote about earlier) we did
another demo. Once again I felt like I was in Taiwan...the pale faces
always draw a crowd. The floor we were on was very dirty. Nobody
responded to the alter call, but when I talked to them afterwards and
asked what was the best part of the demo, they all said the Sacrafice
was the seeds were planted.

Today we have another demo for a Muslim group. Pray for that. This
morning we went shopping...I got stuff for y'all and the kids at gym.

Ok, got to go now. I want to send a couple more emails.

Love y'all!