Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Haha! I got all A's! 4.0 once again! I'm happy!

I'm also totally numb. I just had two fillings done...and it took 7 shots of painkiller! Grr! I kinda wish that the nerves in my mouth weren't quite so strong!

Ethan and I have a show tonight for a VBS thing. Then tomorrow BJ and I are going into Tulsa to take CLEP tests and do some shopping. And then I need to get packed tomorrow night will probably be a late night! And then Friday morning (early!) we leave! It really is amazing that things are moving so fast!

Tonight will be my last time to teach the TAG team. :( I'm really going to miss those girls...our team this year has been awesome.

I have to get off of here now and study for my CLEP test tomorrow. Bye! My next post will probably be from Taiwan!