Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hey there. I'm very tired. This week has been really busy ( seems like i've said that every time I've written something on here this whole'd think I'd get used to it!) Monday we started the church camp and tomorrow is the last day... can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Or maybe that's just the train.

Thursday BJ and I took a plane to 高雄 and stayed the night there. We stayed at the same hotel that I stayed at last year when we went to Kenting. We got a nice clean room with a/c for 700NT...about $20. Not bad, huh? Then in the morning we took a train up to 花蓮 for Jon Eric's funeral service. His family was all there and his Dad explained the Gospel, with Dr. Chen translating (who did a great job). Please remember to pray for the family of the pilot...they were there and heard the Gospel. Afterwards we hung out with the team for about 8 hours. I spent a lot of time visiting with Jon Eric's sister and brother. I think it was good for them to just visit with some folks who didn't insist on talking about nothing but Jon Eric.

My team this week for camp has been really good. I've got two trouble making boys, but they haven't been that much of a problem really. Today one of them threw a baby fit and refused to come in for lunch...he sat in the sun for 40 minutes and refused to move. lol. I told him that if he wanted to sit out there and starve and sunburn that was his choice and left him. Eventually he decided to come back inside. But all the other kids are really good and I'm having a hoot with them.

time for me to go. Man, time flies!