Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hey there. I'm pumped. I'm majorly, seriously pumped. Of course we are supposed to do what God tells us to, even when we don't see the result, but it sure it wonderful when God does let us see the results. The picture you see above is me and Grace, a girl who I met probably about two years ago. I was up at the high school watching an English speech compitition when she sat next to me and we started talking. Once I realized her English was somewhat decent I invited her to English Bible Study, as I would always do when I met somebody who I thought might be interested. Even throughout her senior year (which is totally nuts of students over here) she was a regular attender and we would often visit during lunch.

Well, she graduated last May and I hadn't really heard anything from here since then, until she showed up at church today. I said hi, how are you, what have you been up to, etc. and then, thinking that she had come for English Bible study, told her that we weren't having Bible study while Mr. Gernigin was in the States.

"Oh, I know." She said. "I came for church service. I trusted Christ last semester."


Dude, you can't beat that feeling. There really is nothing like it.

She told me about how she had been talking with Andrew after Bible study one week and that he taken a leaf from a tree and told her to look at it. "Do you think this really is something that was made by mistake? Something this amazing was surely made by a great God." When she went to Taiwan for college she got involved with some friend who were part of a campus ministry (I think it was Campus Crusade for Christ, but I'm not sure...she told me about it in Chinese, so I'm just guessing). One day one of them picked up a leaf and said the same thing to her as Andrew had. Later that day she accepted Christ.

Ok, I've only got nine minutes left's a couple more pictures.

This is from yesturday, when we went to Small Kinmen and had a party with some of my former ninth graders. These are the kids that I had class with at the high school every week as well...some of my very best friends in all of Kinmen. Oh, Mom, finally did give Linda her gift...she was very thrilled with it and told me to tell you thank you.

We had a great time...I also talked to them a little bit about Jon Eric and how the only thing in life that is certain in life is death...I told them I knew I would see Jon Eric again, but I didn't know if I would see them again, and I really wished they would trust Christ. They took it seriously, but still no response other than that...I just have to keep praying for them.

This is from this's me, George and Tina. George and Tina are very active in the youth group and their parents are active church members. We went out to their house last Wednesday night and had super with them...then we played a somewhat modified version of was really, really fun.

Ok, I'm out of time. Love y'all! Bye!