Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vic speaking to the youth group. Vic is a wonderful leader.

The youth group...these folks rock.

Sunday afternoon mountain climbing.

Ben started a push-up compitition and this guy won with 60 push-ups. I got 58.

Then Samuel, Ben and I tried doing chain push-ups (or whatever their called).

So I come to Kinmen wearing a do-rag and now the window god is wearing one...strange.


Harry, a kid from my Wednesday school...he's a real blast.

This, if I may say so myself, is a very good picture.

The cool thing about these tanks is that you can get inside them and pretend to drive...(Nathan, a guy from the English Village who visited us this weekend)

Taken just a few hours ago...Megan, Rachal, Kiwi, Mr. Yo, his wife and daughter and her classmate. We had a good time.

Samuel, signing out.