Monday, October 06, 2008

Well, ladies and gentlemen...I am now a black belt!

Fighting Kai.

Fighting Mr. H...6 time world kick boxing champion. If only I could remember what happened during that fight...

Trying to survice the last fifteen seconds of a fight with James Price.

Dale last fight. Notice the beautiful roundhouse that I just landed on his chin.

Do I look tired in this picture?

Getting the belt!

Samuel is hugging his sister...isn't that cute? No, it's not cute. Samuel is leaning entirely on his sister, who is the only reason that he is not lying on the ground...he's half dead.

It's offical! I have a black eye (thank you Scott Brown), black and purple ear, swollen nose, smashed lips, jacked jaw, bruises all over my head/face, bruises on my forearm from blocking, bruised ribs (thank you James Price), a deep muscle bruise on my right thigh (thank you Kai), very, very bruised shin from blocking and a stone bruise on the bottom of my right foot. It's not an experience I can say I enjoyed...but I'm certainly glad I did it.